react-vega copied to clipboard
Approach#1 in your documentation is not working
Approach#1 Create class from spec, then get a React class to use
cannot render anything in React App.
Please see whether you can reproduce this issue, if so, please fix your documentation. Thanks.
My file structure: -index.js -App.js -Components/BarChart.js
My BarChart.js
import { createClassFromSpec } from 'react-vega';
const spec = {
$schema: '',
"width": 400,
"height": 200,
"data": [{ "name": "table" }],
"signals": [
"name": "tooltip",
"value": {},
"on": [
{"events": "rect:mouseover", "update": "datum"},
{"events": "rect:mouseout", "update": "{}"}
scales: [
name: 'xscale',
type: 'band',
domain: { data: 'table', field: 'category' },
range: 'width',
name: 'yscale',
domain: { data: 'table', field: 'amount' },
nice: true,
range: 'height',
axes: [
{ orient: 'bottom', scale: 'xscale' },
{ orient: 'left', scale: 'yscale' },
marks: [
type: 'rect',
from: { data: 'table' },
encode: {
enter: {
x: { scale: 'xscale', field: 'category', offset: 1 },
width: { scale: 'xscale', band: 1, offset: -1 },
y: { scale: 'yscale', field: 'amount' },
y2: { scale: 'yscale', value: 0 },
update: {
fill: { value: 'steelblue' },
hover: {
fill: { value: 'red' },
type: 'text',
encode: {
enter: {
align: { value: 'center' },
baseline: { value: 'bottom' },
fill: { value: '#333' },
update: {
x: { scale: 'xscale', signal: 'tooltip.category', band: 0.5 },
y: { scale: 'yscale', signal: 'tooltip.amount', offset: -2 },
text: { signal: 'tooltip.amount' },
fillOpacity: [{ test: 'datum === tooltip', value: 0 }, { value: 1 }],
const BarChart = createClassFromSpec('BarChart', spec);
export default BarChart;
My App.js
import React from 'react';
import BarChart from './Components/BarChart'
const barData = {
table: [
{ category: 'A', amount: 28 },
{ category: 'B', amount: 55 },
{ category: 'C', amount: 43 },
{ category: 'D', amount: 91 },
{ category: 'E', amount: 81 },
{ category: 'F', amount: 53 },
{ category: 'G', amount: 19 },
{ category: 'H', amount: 87 },
function handleHover(...args){
const signalListeners = { hover: handleHover };
function App() {
return (
<BarChart data={barData} signalListeners={signalListeners} />
export default App;
My index.js
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';
import './index.css';
import App from './App';
import reportWebVitals from './reportWebVitals';
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));
<App />
// If you want to start measuring performance in your app, pass a function
// to log results (for example: reportWebVitals(console.log))
// or send to an analytics endpoint. Learn more:
Thanks for the report. Can you provide a minimal reproducible example that demonstrates the issue?
Sure, here it is.
That's not a minimal example. Try to reduce the code to the essential to demonstrate the problem.
The createClassFromSpec
API seems to be a little different from the documentation. Try this instead:
const BarChart = createClassFromSpec({ mode: 'vega', spec: spec });
Thanks, @liuhenry, your suggestion worked! Probably we should update the documentation. But for now, I'll close this issue.