activejob-uniqueness icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
activejob-uniqueness copied to clipboard

Unique jobs for ActiveJob. Ensure the uniqueness of jobs in the queue.

Results 14 activejob-uniqueness issues
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First of great work on the gem 👍 We are experiencing some issues when trying to unlock jobs manually. When running normal operations we have not noticed any issues with...

Hello, I love this gem, thank you. I have a use case where when a job is enqueued I'd like to keep pushing back the time of a scheduled job...

Hi there, thank you for this useful gem! I'm using it both with Resque and Sidekiq, and as the README says, in order to properly make Sidekiq queue cleanup and...

good first issue

Hey, Using Sidekiq Web to delete enqueued jobs, lock remain active. Steps to reproduce: 1. Create a Job with `until_and_while_executing` 2. Enqueue job 3. Dequeue the job using Sidekiq Web...

``` class Notification < ApplicationRecord ... after_create_commit :after_create def after_create case notification_type when 'incoming_friend_request' ::BroadcastIncomingFriendRequestNotificationJob.set(wait: 1.seconds).perform_later(self) when 'accepted_friend_request' ... end end end ``` ``` class BroadcastIncomingFriendRequestNotificationJob < ActiveJob::Base unique :until_executed...

I was getting these errors after upgrading: > Redlock::LockAcquisitionError: failed to acquire lock on 'Too many Redis errors prevented lock acquisition: Redis::CommandError: NOSCRIPT No matching script. Please use EVAL.' Which...

I have not been able to reproduce this, but I'm seeing this error daily when a job gets enqueued from a model callback: ``` RedisClient::ConnectionError: Broken pipe /usr/local/bundle/gems/redis-client-0.18.0/lib/redis_client/ruby_connection.rb:76:in `rescue in...

I would like to know Why is happen this error, the another jobs is ok but this specific job is launching this error. thanks ```class UpdateAuditedLogJob < ApplicationJob queue_as :tracker...

This might be more a doc issue than a code issue but... The message ActiveJob gives when it does not enqueue something because of non-uniqueness is pretty nasty (`Failed enqueuing...

We are really struggling with queue clearing, particularly if queues have gotten big. Usually when it happens, we don't care about the locks because they have timed out. Our current...