Edmond Varga
Edmond Varga
I prefer 2 spaces. But the number of spaces shouldn't really matter.
I'm mostly writing JavaScript, where I use 2. Guides are good, especially when working in a team. But Python should run with any number of spaces. Practically, any of the...
One tab. Oh, I see, there a linter, that makes sense.
Any update on this?
@koskimas is a great guy, unfortunately he didn't show up for some time either here or on the gitter channel. He could at least share a reason for his decision.
@CaptainCodeman thanks for the info, I was using a solution like nr. 2 in your blog post, but nr. 1 seems attractive as well. Thanks!
I signed it!
@morficus , @cdata the `label` property is of no help here. If used for referencing, say for an id or number, after the selection changes the dropdown-menu will reflect the...
@JoranLive, could you explain how is this fixed? I'm having the same issue. I define a property like: ``` titleTag?: string | null; ``` But when passing null to it,...