running-time copied to clipboard
Sample Single Page Application using Laravel & Vue.js + Vuex + Vue-Router
Laravel 9 & Vue.js 3 (Options API) + Vuex Sample Project
Laravel & Vue Sample Project is a tutorial Single Page Application (SPA) for Laravel 6 and Vue.js 2.6 Frontend
Use login: [email protected]
and password: 123456
git clone # To clone repo
cd running-time
composer install # Install php dependencies
# Prepare enviroment variables
cp .env.example .env # Copy configuration file
php artisan key:generate # Generate unique key
# Prepare database
touch database/database.sqlite # Create sqlite database
php artisan migrate --seed # Create DB Schema and seed sample data
php artisan passport:install # Install Passport
# Compile assets
yarn # Install Javascript dependencies
yarn prod # Compile assets
# Start server
php artisan serve # Start server
Open http://localhost:8000 to view site
If you don't have installed yarn, run npm install -g yarn
Main features
- Fully separate Backend and Frontend
- Authentication based on Laravel Passport
- List pages with filters and CRUD editing
- Backend validation
- Admin panel
- Simple widgets
- Simple reports
- Full Phpunit test coverage
- E2E tests with Cypress
- Continuous integration with Travis CI
- Development configuration with Docker
- Laravel Passport API Authentication
- API Docs Gerator Laravel API Documentation Generator
- Laravel Telescope Laravel Telescope for debugging
- Vue.js The Progressive JavaScript Framework
- Vuex State management pattern + library for Vue.js
- Vue-Router Router library for Vue.js
- Axios HTTP client
- Docker Development setup with Docker
Other Features
- Front page
- Authentication (registration, login, logout, throttle)
- Users roles: administrator (all access), manager (manage records)
- User dashborad with widgets and charts
- Entries list with filter by date (list, show, edit, delete, create)
- Report page with chart
- User profile page
- Admin dashboard with widgets
- Users admin (list, show, edit, delete, create)
- Entries admin (list, show, edit, delete, create)
- Global loader overlay for all requests
- Eslint code standard check
- Lodash-es to allow tree shaking for bundle size optimization
- Support IE11 with Polyfills
To run convenient development server with hot reloading:
php artisan serve # Will serve backend on localhost:8000
yarn hot # Will serve frontend on loaclhost:8080 and proxy api requests to localhost:8000
And open http://localhost:8080
Alternatively you can use watch method:
yarn watch
And open http://localhost:8000
To compile assets for production run:
yarn prod
# Or to display bundle analyzer run:
yarn production -- --env.analyzer true
Development with Docker
If you want to use more features like Redis queues, MariaDB database, sending and viewing sent emails you can use Docker setup on this project.
For you you will need Docker installed on your host
To build the image for Docker, run:
docker-compose build
It will build all images and run all needed containers.
Then use ENV variables, prepared specificly for Docker:
cp .env.docker.example .env
docker-compose run php php artisan key:generate
Migrate and seed database, and install Passport:
docker-compose run php php artisan migrate --seed
docker-compose run php php artisan passport:install
To run the project in Docker just run:
docker-compose up
And open http://localhost:8080
To run all the Artisan or Test commands you can use docker-compose run php
before the command to run it in the container.
If you want to run command in currently running container, use docker-compose exec php
To run all PHPUnit tests:
# Or
yarn test
To run Cypress E2E tests:
php artisan serve
yarn e2e-run
# Or you can open GUI with
yarn e2e
Demo Credentials
For testing application the database is seeded with sample users:
- Administrator: email = [email protected], password = 123456
- Manager: email = [email protected], password = 123456
- User: email = [email protected], password = 123456
- Upgrade Bootstrap to v4
- Setup Travis to run Cypress tests
- Add more E2E cypress tests
And of course: