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enhancement(kafka sink): Make healthcheck topic configurable
This PR proposes a solution for
It adds a new healthcheck_topic
option so when the topic
value is templated, healthchecks won't fail.
Please let me know if the proposed approach makes sense or if you have other suggestions!
This is also my first time contributing and writing Rust code, so any feedback would be appreciated!
@jszwedko Apologies for the late reply! I was hesitant to move this forward for fear of introducing a less-than-ideal solution to the repo, but I will defer to your judgement on this. Thank you!
Regression Detector Results
Run ID: f86a3777-16a6-4e01-8062-6396b8fd61e7 Baseline: 48a29b3c1363f54998fd3fb2a4cac204b33a1c35 Comparison: c2fc5ef43a19b803a613e5a3d163da635d45e644 Total CPUs: 7
Performance changes are noted in the perf column of each table:
- ✅ = significantly better comparison variant performance
- ❌ = significantly worse comparison variant performance
- ➖ = no significant change in performance
No significant changes in experiment optimization goals
Confidence level: 90.00% Effect size tolerance: |Δ mean %| ≥ 5.00%
There were no significant changes in experiment optimization goals at this confidence level and effect size tolerance.
Fine details of change detection per experiment
perf | experiment | goal | Δ mean % | Δ mean % CI |
➖ | syslog_loki | ingress throughput | +1.69 | [+1.61, +1.76] |
➖ | syslog_regex_logs2metric_ddmetrics | ingress throughput | +1.38 | [+1.25, +1.51] |
➖ | syslog_log2metric_humio_metrics | ingress throughput | +1.30 | [+1.11, +1.48] |
➖ | datadog_agent_remap_datadog_logs | ingress throughput | +0.77 | [+0.64, +0.90] |
➖ | file_to_blackhole | egress throughput | +0.73 | [-1.78, +3.25] |
➖ | splunk_hec_route_s3 | ingress throughput | +0.52 | [+0.03, +1.00] |
➖ | datadog_agent_remap_datadog_logs_acks | ingress throughput | +0.44 | [+0.36, +0.53] |
➖ | http_to_s3 | ingress throughput | +0.25 | [-0.03, +0.52] |
➖ | otlp_grpc_to_blackhole | ingress throughput | +0.21 | [+0.11, +0.30] |
➖ | http_to_http_noack | ingress throughput | +0.20 | [+0.09, +0.31] |
➖ | http_text_to_http_json | ingress throughput | +0.18 | [+0.06, +0.29] |
➖ | http_to_http_json | ingress throughput | +0.04 | [-0.04, +0.12] |
➖ | splunk_hec_indexer_ack_blackhole | ingress throughput | +0.00 | [-0.14, +0.15] |
➖ | splunk_hec_to_splunk_hec_logs_acks | ingress throughput | -0.00 | [-0.14, +0.14] |
➖ | splunk_hec_to_splunk_hec_logs_noack | ingress throughput | -0.02 | [-0.13, +0.10] |
➖ | http_to_http_acks | ingress throughput | -0.08 | [-1.43, +1.28] |
➖ | enterprise_http_to_http | ingress throughput | -0.10 | [-0.17, -0.02] |
➖ | syslog_log2metric_tag_cardinality_limit_blackhole | ingress throughput | -0.10 | [-0.21, +0.00] |
➖ | http_elasticsearch | ingress throughput | -0.30 | [-0.37, -0.23] |
➖ | datadog_agent_remap_blackhole_acks | ingress throughput | -0.59 | [-0.69, -0.49] |
➖ | fluent_elasticsearch | ingress throughput | -0.74 | [-1.21, -0.27] |
➖ | syslog_splunk_hec_logs | ingress throughput | -0.89 | [-0.97, -0.82] |
➖ | syslog_log2metric_splunk_hec_metrics | ingress throughput | -0.90 | [-1.05, -0.75] |
➖ | otlp_http_to_blackhole | ingress throughput | -1.01 | [-1.15, -0.87] |
➖ | socket_to_socket_blackhole | ingress throughput | -1.77 | [-1.84, -1.69] |
➖ | syslog_humio_logs | ingress throughput | -1.96 | [-2.09, -1.83] |
➖ | datadog_agent_remap_blackhole | ingress throughput | -3.80 | [-3.93, -3.66] |
A regression test is an A/B test of target performance in a repeatable rig, where "performance" is measured as "comparison variant minus baseline variant" for an optimization goal (e.g., ingress throughput). Due to intrinsic variability in measuring that goal, we can only estimate its mean value for each experiment; we report uncertainty in that value as a 90.00% confidence interval denoted "Δ mean % CI".
For each experiment, we decide whether a change in performance is a "regression" -- a change worth investigating further -- if all of the following criteria are true:
Its estimated |Δ mean %| ≥ 5.00%, indicating the change is big enough to merit a closer look.
Its 90.00% confidence interval "Δ mean % CI" does not contain zero, indicating that if our statistical model is accurate, there is at least a 90.00% chance there is a difference in performance between baseline and comparison variants.
Its configuration does not mark it "erratic".