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Pitchfork is a Set of C++ Project Conventions
The link to project layout conventions in `README.md` no longer renders correctly. https://api.csswg.org/bikeshed/?force=1&url=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vector-of-bool/pitchfork/develop/data/spec.bs The web page now shows the error "Must use POST to process URL".
I find the PFL very appealing and would like to use this layout in my future C++ projects, also because the documentation is easily forwardeable and reasonable. In the Introduction...
Section 3.3 of the specification states "No non-source-code files will should be placed or generated in any subdirectories of a source directory." however this conflicts with the requirements of some...
PFL doesn't address the integration of multiple libraries in one project. The document below offers a possible solution. [The Dogfood and the Pitchfork.md](https://github.com/vector-of-bool/pitchfork/files/8607987/The.Dogfood.and.the.Pitchfork.md) Thank you for taking the time to...
Hi, I really appreciate the work, time and effort you put into PFL. I was just starting a new C/C++ project and was wondering what are the current best practices...
There are numerous (actually, majority) of end-point projects (projects that are the end result) requiring to host multiple libraries and multiple applications. For example, majority of production software is comprised...
Hello, I have a "big" project with mostly C++, but also some python files! The spec says `src` is for compilable source (and I wouldnt want to put rogue python...
I have a library (a submodule under `libs/`) that I want to build with profile-guided optimization. To run the instrumented library to collect profile data, I plan to make a...
My use case is as follows: I have a selection of library based submodules. They are not completely standalone as there are dependencies among them, but they makes sense as...