go-sdl2 icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
go-sdl2 copied to clipboard

window.UpdateSurface() errors out on wayland

Open ghost opened this issue 2 years ago • 4 comments

I'm using sdl2 2.0.20 and go-sdl2 0.4.12. I believe the bug was introduced by the new sdl2 version, as the code worked fine around 2.0.16 with go-sdl2 0.4.10 a few months ago.

The following minimal example breaks with error Window surface is invalid, please call SDL_GetWindowSurface() to get a new surface:

package main

import (

func main() {
	if err := sdl.Init(sdl.INIT_EVENTS|sdl.INIT_VIDEO); err != nil {
	defer sdl.Quit()

	window, _ := sdl.CreateWindow("test", sdl.WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED,
		sdl.WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, 800, 600, 0)
	defer window.Destroy()

	sdlSurface, err := window.GetSurface()
	if err != nil {
	sdlSurface.FillRect(nil, 0)

	running := true
	for running {
		for event := sdl.PollEvent(); event != nil; event = sdl.PollEvent() {
			switch event.(type) {
			case *sdl.QuitEvent:
				running = false
			if err := window.UpdateSurface(); err != nil { // this doesn't work anymore

(calling getsurface just before the window.updatesurface removes the warning but gives a black screen that panics soon after)

ghost avatar Feb 05 '22 15:02 ghost

Hi @yory8! I couldn't reproduce the issue using SDL2 2.0.20 and go-sdl2 v0.4.12 on my Fedora Linux, macOS Monterey (M1), and Windows 10. Could you help me reproduce it by specifying which platform you are running it on and how you got SDL2? Any extra information that could be related to this would also help.

veeableful avatar Feb 07 '22 05:02 veeableful

Thanks. I'm using it on Arch Linux, with the system's sdl2, using wayland (sway wm). Unfortunately I had paused working on my code for several months, so I'm unable to say when exactly it started breaking, and why (I managed to try sdl2 2.0.18 and it breaks too, but I cannot go any further because of incompatible dependencies)

ghost avatar Feb 07 '22 07:02 ghost

Ahh you're using Wayland. I'm not too familiar with it but perhaps setting the environment variable SDL_VIDEODRIVER=wayland would make it work? Maybe running a command like:

SDL_VIDEODRIVER=wayland go run main.go

If not, I will try to set up the same environment on one of my spare laptops or VMs to see if I can reproduce it.

veeableful avatar Feb 07 '22 08:02 veeableful

Doesn't work (was already using wayland), but it works if I do SDL_VIDEODRIVER=x11 go run main.go so it seems to be some change in wlroots (the wayland implementation used by sway).

ghost avatar Feb 07 '22 10:02 ghost