ScyllaHideForIda7 copied to clipboard
Experimental IDA7 support
ScyllaHide for IDA 7
Experimental IDA7 support
- Clone repository
- Copy include and libs from IDA SDK
- idasdk
- include
- lib
- x64_win_vc_32
- x64_win_vc_64
- idasdk
- Open solution
- Choose Release configuration (either IDA64-32 or IDA64-64)
- It means IDA 64 bit (since IDA 7.0) for 32-bit or 64-bit size databases.
ida.exe for .idb and ida64.exe for .i64
Note that ida64.exe can load both 32 and 64 bit executables - Plugin naming changed since IDA 7
- name.dll (for 32-bit db)
- name64.dll (for 64-bit db)
- win32_user debugger plugin has bugs for 32-bit version, so consider using 64-bit debugger if you can or upgrade IDA. I've tried to workaround it (see PatchLocalWin32DebuggerPlugin function), but not sure if it's proper fix. So use it on your own risk.
- It means IDA 64 bit (since IDA 7.0) for 32-bit or 64-bit size databases.
- Build it
- There is Post Build Event for Debug configurations to copy plugin to %IDA%\plugins folder
copy "$(TargetDir)$(TargetFileName)" "D:\Apps\IDA 7.0\plugins\"
Modify path as needed or remove this event
You need to deploy following files:
- HookLibraryx64.dll
- HookLibraryx86.dll
- InjectorCLIx64.exe
- InjectorCLIx86.exe
- NtApiCollection.ini
- scylla_hide.ini
- ScyllaHideForIda7Plugin.dll
- ScyllaHideForIda7Plugin64.dll
How it works
It uses InjectorCLI to inject HookLibrary when debugger starts or attaches.
No remote debugging is supported and no GUI options. For now change parameters manually in scylla_hide.ini