java-config icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
java-config copied to clipboard

☕ my personal java-related configuration

  __                                             ___ __        
 |__|.---.-.--.--.---.-.______.----.-----.-----.'  _|__|.-----.
 |  ||  _  |  |  |  _  |______|  __|  _  |     |   _|  ||  _  |
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|___|                                                   |_____|

This repository contains configuration and tools around Java and its ecosystem (which means maven, scala, etc…). This aims to be used with vcsh-home and sh-config at least.

This repository currently contains :

  • Some configuration for mvnw
  • Few other scripts for maven that should be, someday, moved to mvnw.
  • Few scripts to be able to run maven and mr smoothly.