hosts copied to clipboard
Curated hosts with various domain blocks!
Curated hosts file with various domain blocks.
See "Source" below for credits and source list. Lot of hosts are based on my own digging and compatible with almost all kind of adblockers.
See "Release Pages" for latest binary package as well.
Install hblock
Thanks to Héctor Molinero Fernández for his scriptures.
curl -o /tmp/hblock '' \
&& echo '9b141d9b25dfda0165a04f0a705ad9d6840ccb13 /tmp/hblock' | shasum -c \
&& sudo mv /tmp/hblock /usr/local/bin/hblock \
&& sudo chown 0:0 /usr/local/bin/hblock \
&& sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/hblock
Install systemd service and timer units
The following commands will schedule a daily update of the hosts file. See systemd-timers for more information.
curl -o '/tmp/hblock.#1' '{service,timer}' \
&& echo '08b736382cb9dfd39df1207a3e90b068f5325a41dc8254d83fde5d4540ba8b5b /tmp/hblock.service' | shasum -c \
&& echo '87a7ba5067d4c565aca96659b0dce230471a6ba35fbce1d3e9d02b264da4dc38 /tmp/hblock.timer' | shasum -c \
&& sudo mv /tmp/hblock.{service,timer} /etc/systemd/system/ \
&& sudo chown 0:0 /etc/systemd/system/hblock.{service,timer} \
&& sudo chmod 644 /etc/systemd/system/hblock.{service,timer} \
&& sudo systemctl daemon-reload \
&& sudo systemctl enable hblock.timer \
&& sudo systemctl start hblock.timer
Modify default options with environment variables
To change the default options instead of modifying the original service it is possible to override its properties.
For example, to have multiple domains on the same line and enable regular expressions in the allow-list, create the file
with the following content:
Then reload the systemd configuration and start the service:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start hblock.service
Check Shasum the actual way
(Thanks Alexis La Porte for this.) Organic: In terminal run:
For sha2:
shasum -a 256 filename/path
For sha1:
shasum -a 1 filename/path
Use your eyeballs and compare by sight the expected hash and the computed hash in the terminal. Eye strain might ensue.
Artisanal & organic: Run the above commands. Copy the resulting shasum with Ctrl + C. In browser or file use Ctrl + F with your copied shasum; if you find a match, congrats your file is fine! If no match, your file might have been altered or tampered with.
Inorganic, man-made: Use shasum check command. Runs diff and prints results in terminal.
In terminal run:
echo 'your_expected_shasum_here_followed_by_a_space *name_of_file_to_check_after_asterisk' | shasum -c
Supported Operating Systems
Android: For non-rooted devices, these host files can be used with Tracker Control
, DNS66
, Blokada
, Personal DNS Filter
or Nebulo
The above softwares are free and open-source ad-blockers.
For rooted devices, one can replace the default hosts file with the file of choice from here, after renaming the choice file to "hosts". Permissions should be rw-r--r-- / 644.
Otherwise, if one does not wish to add it manually, one can use this host file with AdAway
, a free and open-source ad-blocker for Android.
Linux: An open-source host file manager called hBlock
Mac OS: These host files can be used with gasmask
Windows: Users for Windows would find it easy to use with Hostman
, a software to manage host file.
In case the above is not working, you can try one of the following as well:
or HostsFileEditor
Use installer hostsinstaller
with administrative rights in Windows.
How to disable DNS CACHE services on Windows?
Hit Win+R & type
& press enter. -
Go to
, and locate the "Start" registry key. Now change its value from 2 (Automatic) to 4 (Disabled) -
Restart computer once & now change your host file with bigger SIZE.
Usage guide
TrackerControl TC
Open TC > Top Right "3 Dots Drop Down" > Settings > Advanced options > "Hosts file URL" > Click and then copy paste the below hosts file URL. Then click OK to save the URL and then click "update hosts file".
Open Blokada > navigate to Hosts List > Click + button and then copy paste the below hosts file URL. Then press the Shield icon to activate.
Open DNS66 > swipe to Hosts > Click + button and then copy paste the below hosts file URL. Then press the refresh icon on the top and press the start button.
Open Adaway > go to Host Source > Click + button and then copy paste the below hosts file URL. Then Click enable ad blocking from the home menu.
DNS Filter
Open DNS Filter > Tap on Advanced Settings > Tap on Configure Filter Update > Create a new filter by tapping on the Pencil icon > Copy paste the below hosts file URL > Tap on Active circle there > Tap on the (✔️) icon > Tap on Configure filter update to hide the menu > Tap on Advanced Settings > Tap on Restart
Recommended Whitelist
- Facebook main app
- Facebook Lite Messenger
Recommended Apps
For those who still are hardcore fcbook (lol) users, you can try Frost from F-Droid. Frost for Facebook (A fast and extensive third party wrapper for Facebook.)
For YT users, use NewPipe/SkyTube. They are fully open sourced.
- Source lists for my hosts files:
vdbhb59 - Special Blocks | No-Amazon | Hectorm | Hosts Vietnam | Steven Black | PolishFiltersTeam | MetaMask | Bad-Boyz | AnudeepND | Badmojr | Easy List | Easy List-Privacy | Easy List-Cookie | Yous | YHosts | GBA-Samsung | GBA-YT | GBA | GBA-Xiaomi | GBA-Le-Eco | Gloeyisk | Idoo | XFiles-Stable | XFiles-FB | XFiles-SiteBlock | XFiles-UPD UBlock
- Resultant Host File:
- Credits:
vdbhb59 | No-Amazon | Easylist > Easylist | HBlock > Héctor Molinero Fernández | HostsVN > Bigdragon | Steven Black > Steven Black | GoodByeAds > Jerryn70 | KAD Hosts > PolishFiltersTeam | Ethereum Phishing > MetaMask | Badd-Boyz-Hosts > Mitchell Krog | CoinMiner > Anudeep | Pro Hosts (BadMojr) > Imre Kristoffer Eilertsen (Dandelion Sprout) | Master Hosts > Chayoung You | Master Hosts > Vokins | Systemless Hosts (Porn+FakeNews+Gambling) > Gilang Iskandar (Gloeyisk) -- May be removed soon, if not updated any longer.. | No-Google > Nick Spaargaren (Thanks Evan (785172845)(Telegram) for pointing this out) | YouTube Hosts > Ivan Verevkin | XFiles > Gioxx
Content of the hosts is licensed under a MIT License.