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flatredball.com: Tutorials sometimes nested visually

Open patridge opened this issue 2 years ago • 3 comments

Screenshot of flatredball.com showing a tutorial entry nested within the prior tutorial entry's description block.


Depending on the browser screen width and the shortness of the prior tutorial's description, some tutorial entries are being displayed nested within the prior entry. This appears to be a result of the CSS-floated image not being cleared before the next tutorial entry. I'm not sure how best to resolve this in a way that is friendly to the visual editor, though.

patridge avatar Mar 15 '22 03:03 patridge

Any thoughts on this @profexorgeek ?

vchelaru avatar Mar 15 '22 16:03 vchelaru

We can put CSS overrides in a theme file. Alternatively, we might just be able to structure these differently. I haven't looked at the page yet. Can you get the link into this issue so it's all in one place?

profexorgeek avatar Mar 15 '22 17:03 profexorgeek

Sorry, totally spaced on that. Link is in the description now. (And here.)

patridge avatar Mar 15 '22 17:03 patridge

This is fixed, or at least not a problem anymore now that we're on a new docs site.

vchelaru avatar Feb 02 '24 17:02 vchelaru