how-to-deliver-svg-icons-to-react icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
how-to-deliver-svg-icons-to-react copied to clipboard

Learn how automate delivery SVG icons to React using Figma API


Learn how to deliver SVG icons to React using Figma API

Code implementations for automare delivery svg icons from Figma to React project. Check all branches with difference features.

Figma project example. For more information you can read my article.

Try yourself

You can clone the repo and try the example on your Figma project.

1. Create frame with icons

All icons should be palced in one specific frame and implements like a figma component. Figma icons naming convention: icon-[name].

2. Set Figma settings

Create in root dir .env file.

Example of URL in browser, when you pick frame with icons

Exmaple .env file


NOTE: FILE_KEY and FRAME_WITH_ICONS_ID you can get from browser url when select frame. But in url frame id is encoded uri value. You should decode it. You can make in right in dev tools console

> decodeURIComponent('2%3A3')
<- '2:3'

3. Run project and overview results

  1. install dependencies
  1. start project
yarn start