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A mock plugin for vite.use mockjs.
English | 中文
Provide local and prod mocks for vite.
A mock plugin for vite, developed based on mockjs. And support the local environment and production environment at the same time. Connect service middleware is used locally, mockjs is used online
Install (yarn or npm)
node version: >=12.0.0
vite version: >=2.0.0
yarn add mockjs
# or
npm i mockjs -S
yarn add vite-plugin-mock -D
# or
npm i vite-plugin-mock -D
Run Example
# ts example
cd ./examples/ts-examples
yarn install
yarn serve
# js example
cd ./examples/js-examples
yarn install
yarn serve
Development environment
The development environment is implemented using Connect middleware。
Different from the production environment, you can view the network request record in the Google Chrome console
- Config plugin in vite.config.ts
import { UserConfigExport, ConfigEnv } from 'vite'
import { viteMockServe } from 'vite-plugin-mock'
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
export default ({ command }: ConfigEnv): UserConfigExport => {
return {
plugins: [
// default
mockPath: 'mock',
localEnabled: command === 'serve',
- viteMockServe Options
mockPath?: string;
supportTs?: boolean;
ignore?: RegExp | ((fileName: string) => boolean);
watchFiles?: boolean;
localEnabled?: boolean;
ignoreFiles?: string[];
configPath?: string;
prodEnabled?: boolean;
injectFile?: string;
injectCode?: string;
type: string
default: 'mock'
Set the folder where the mock .ts file is stored
If watchFiles:true
, the file changes in the folder will be monitored. And synchronize to the request result in real time
If configPath has a value, it is invalid
type: boolean
default: true
After opening, the ts file module can be read. Note that you will not be able to monitor .js files after opening.
type: RegExp | ((fileName: string) => boolean);
default: undefined
When automatically reading analog .ts files, ignore files in the specified format
type: boolean
default: true
Set whether to monitor changes in mock .ts files
type: boolean
default: command === 'serve'
Set whether to enable the local mock .ts file, do not open it in the production environment
type: boolean
default: command !=='serve'
Set whether to enable mock function for packaging
type: string
If the mock function is enabled in the production environment, that is, prodEnabled=true
, the code will be injected into the bottom of the file corresponding to injectFile
. The default is main.{ts,js}
The advantage of this is that you can dynamically control whether mock is enabled in the production environment and mock.js will not be packaged when it is not enabled.
If the code is written directly in main.ts
, no matter whether it is turned on or not, the final package will include mock.js
type: string
default: path.resolve(process.cwd(),'src/main.{ts,js}')
The file injected by injectCode
code, the default is src/main.{ts,js}
in the project root directory
type: string
default: vite.mock.config.ts
Set the data entry that the mock reads. When the file exists and is located in the project root directory, the file will be read and used first. The configuration file returns an array
type: boolean
default: true
Whether to display the request log on the console
Mock file example
// test.ts
import { MockMethod } from 'vite-plugin-mock'
export default [
url: '/api/get',
method: 'get',
response: ({ query }) => {
return {
code: 0,
data: {
name: 'vben',
url: '/api/post',
method: 'post',
timeout: 2000,
response: {
code: 0,
data: {
name: 'vben',
url: '/api/text',
method: 'post',
rawResponse: async (req, res) => {
let reqbody = ''
await new Promise((resolve) => {
req.on('data', (chunk) => {
reqbody += chunk
req.on('end', () => resolve(undefined))
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
res.statusCode = 200
res.end(`hello, ${reqbody}`)
] as MockMethod[]
// request url
url: string;
// request method
method?: MethodType;
// Request time in milliseconds
timeout?: number;
// default: 200
// response data (JSON)
response?: ((opt: { [key: string]: string; body: Record<string,any>; query: Record<string,any>, headers: Record<string, any>; }) => any) | any;
// response (non-JSON)
rawResponse?: (req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse) => void;
Example (2.0.0 recommended)
Create the mockProdServer.ts
// mockProdServer.ts
import { createProdMockServer } from 'vite-plugin-mock/es/createProdMockServer'
// Import your mock .ts files one by one
// If you use vite.mock.config.ts, just import the file directly
// You can use the import.meta.glob function to import all
import testModule from '../mock/test'
export function setupProdMockServer() {
Config vite-plugin-mock
import { viteMockServe } from 'vite-plugin-mock'
import { UserConfigExport, ConfigEnv } from 'vite'
export default ({ command }: ConfigEnv): UserConfigExport => {
// According to the project configuration. Can be configured in the .env file
let prodMock = true
return {
plugins: [
mockPath: 'mock',
localEnabled: command === 'serve',
prodEnabled: command !== 'serve' && prodMock,
injectCode: `
import { setupProdMockServer } from './mockProdServer';
Sample project
- The node module cannot be used in the mock .ts file, otherwise the production environment will fail
- Mock is used in the production environment, which is only suitable for some test environments. Do not open it in the formal environment to avoid unnecessary errors. At the same time, in the production environment, it may affect normal Ajax requests, such as file upload failure, etc.