Vasilis Belis
Vasilis Belis
Try using the latest version of the, from qiskit aqua master branch and see if it converges. As stated in #1378, a L2 regularization term was added to the...
Hi @antalszava thanks for the response. In general, I was expecting that the "translation" of a `pennylane.qnode` circuit to `qiskit.QuantumCircuit`would be exact both in terms of the gates and in...
Hi @antalszava! > Oh, interesting. 🤔 Would you suggest that measuring one qubit may introduce noise that affects the measurement outcome of another qubit with IBMQ? From my understanding, yes...
Hi @antalszava, Apologies for the late reply. Thanks a lot for the informative message. I think it is OK to measure all the qubits and just read the output of...