nexus-rundeck-plugin copied to clipboard
Nexus plugin that provides a new REST API meant to be used by RunDeck as an "Option provider".
Nexus RunDeck plugin
This is a Nexus plugin that provides an "Option provider" for RunDeck. See
Usage The plugin provides the following new HTTP resources :
- http://NEXUS_HOST/service/local/rundeck/options/version : return a json array with the version of the matching artifacts.
Parameters (all optional) :
- r : repository ID to search in (null for searching in all indexed repositories)
- g : groupId of the artifacts to match
- a : artifactId of the artifacts to match
- p : packaging of the artifacts to match ('jar', 'war', etc)
- c : classifier of the artifacts to match ('sources', 'javadoc', etc)
- l : limit - max number of results to return
- includeLatest : if "true", will include the special "LATEST" version before all versions
- includeRelease : if "true", will include the special "RELEASE" version before all versions
- http://NEXUS_HOST/service/local/rundeck/options/artifactId : return a json array with the artifactId of the matching artifacts.
Parameters (all optional) :
- r : repository ID to search in (null for searching in all indexed repositories)
- g : groupId of the artifacts to match
- v : version of the artifacts to match
- p : packaging of the artifacts to match ('jar', 'war', etc)
- c : classifier of the artifacts to match ('sources', 'javadoc', etc) Note that if you want to retrieve the artifact from your RunDeck script, you should use Nexus REST API :
Change Log
- Version : re-release 1.2, but with a dependence on Nexus (instead of Nexus 1.9)
- Version 1.2 : the option provider for version now includes the date of the version (release)
- Version 1.1 : add option provider for artifactId
- Version 1.0 : option provider for version. compatible with Nexus 1.9 and RunDeck 1.1
How to install
- Download from
- Unzip the "" file into the "plugin-repository" directory (located in "$NEXUS_HOME/sonatype-work/nexus/plugin-repository") You should have a "nexus-rundeck-plugin-VERSION" directory with a "nexus-rundeck-plugin-VERSION.jar" file inside it
- Then, you just need to restart Nexus.
How to build
- prerequisites : Apache Maven 2.2.1 or 3.x
- run "mvn package"
- use the "bundle" file in target/
- If you get an error while installing the plugin, check this how-to :
- Nexus :
- RunDeck :
- RunDeck "Option Model Provider" :
- RunDeck mailing-list (for questions/feedback/etc) :
LICENSE : The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 See the LICENSE file, or