MacroToolsVBA copied to clipboard
Obfuscating Strings that are the same as Sub Names
Private Sub Login()
Dim s as String
s = "Login"
End Sub
The obfuscator changes both Logins:
Private Sub o10101010101()
Dim s as String
s = "o10101010101"
End Sub
It is because of this Pattern in your code:
sPattern = "([\*\.\^\*\+\#\(\)\-\=\/\,\:\;\s\" & VBA.Chr$(34) & "])" & sFinde & "([\*\.\^\*\+\!\@\#\$\%\&\(\)\-\=\/\,\:\;\s\" & VBA.Chr$(34) & "]|$)"
Why exactly is there this VBA.Chr$(34)
? Because of that Strings get obfuscated.
I worked on the problem and I think I found a nice solution for this problem. I changed the pattern to
sPattern = "([\*\.\^\*\+\#\(\)\-\=\/\,\:\;\s\""])" & _
"(" & sFinde & "(?=([^""]*""[^""]*"")*[^""]*$))" & _
With (?=([^"]*"[^"]*")*[^"]*$)
you exclude EVERYTHING inside of quotes.
Of course, the Regex-Line also has to be changed to
sCode = RegExpFindReplace(sCode, sPattern, "$1" & sReplace)