meteor-universe-i18n copied to clipboard
Internationalization package for Meteor with React integration.
Internationalization package that offers much better performance than others.
The package supports:
- namespacing of translation strings
- YAML file formats
- string interpolation
- both types of parameters (named and positional)
- typographic notation of numbers
- regional dialects inheritance mechanism (e.g. 'en-US' inherits from translations assigned to 'en')
- ECMAScript 6 modules
- supports dynamic imports (Client does not need to download all translations at once)
- remote loading of translations from a different host
Table of Contents
- Installation
- Migration to v2
- Usage
- Translations files
- Integration with React
- Integration with Blaze
- Integration with SimpleSchema
$ meteor add universe:i18n
$ meteor npm install --save @types/meteor-universe-i18n
Migration to v2
- Locales and currency data have been removed. That means, the following functions are no longer available:
. If your app needs them, check if the Intl API suits your needs. If not, copy the values you need from v1 source - The
option has been removed, as it wasn't working on the server anyway. For detailed explanation and an alternative, see this comment - Both
have been removed. If your project is using them, simply create your own helpers on top ofgetTranslation
- The built-in React integration is no longer there, i.e., both
functions have been removed. Refer to the Integration with React section for details. - The Blaze integration package (universe-i18n-blaze) is deprecated. Refer to the Integration with Blaze section for details.
If you want to read more about v2, check out the roadmap as well as the main pull request.
import i18n from 'meteor/universe:i18n';
Setting/getting locale
i18n.setLocale('en-US', params);
i18n.getLocale(); // en-US
Params in setLocale are optional yet offer additional possibilities:
- disables downloading translation file on the client (client side) -
- protects against broadcasting the refresh event (both sides) -
- downloads translation file in an async way (client side) -
- downloads fresh translations (ignores the browser cache)
If you want to use the browser's locale, you can do it as follows:
// somewhere in the page layout (or possibly in the router?)
function getLang() {
return (
navigator.languages?.[0] ||
navigator.language ||
navigator.browserLanguage ||
navigator.userLanguage ||
Keep in mind though that it will work on the client side and in server methods called from client (on the same connection). In other places where connection is not detected, you must provide it self. By the way, It's good option is also use 'accept-language' header to recognize client's locale on server side.
Adding translations by methods
import i18n from 'meteor/universe:i18n';
import './en.i18n.yml';
import './en-US.i18n.yml';
i18n.addTranslation('en-US', 'Common', 'no', 'No');
i18n.addTranslation('en-US', 'Common.ok', 'Ok');
i18n.addTranslations('en-US', {
Common: {
hello: 'Hello {$name} {$0}!',
i18n.addTranslations('en-US', 'Common', {
hello: 'Hello {$name} {$0}!',
Getting translations
You can obtain translation strings by using i18n.getTranslation() or, quicker, calling i18n.__()
i18n.__(key, params);
i18n.__(namespace, key, params);
i18n.__(key, key, key, key, params);
// same with "getTranslation", e.g.:
i18n.getTranslation(key, key, key, key, params);
String Interpolation
If needed, parameters can be passed as the last one of the function arguments, as an array or an object since they can be named or positional (ie. indexed). Additionally, for positional parameters it is irrelevant whether they are passed as an array or an object with keys '0', '1', '2'... Besides, 'positional' properties of such an object can be mixed with named ones.
_namespace: ''
hello: Hello {$name}!
lengthOfArr: length {$length}
items: The first item is {$0} and the last one is {$2}!
i18n.__('hello', { name: 'Ania' }); // output: Hello Ania!
i18n.__('lengthOfArr', { length: ['a', 'b', 'c'].length }); // output: length 3
i18n.__('items', ['a', 'b', 'c']); // output: The first item is a and the last one is c!
Translations files
Instead of setting translations directly through i18n.addTranslation(s), you can store them in YAML or JSON files, named .i18n.yml, .i18n.json accordingly. As locales are by default loaded lazily, the translation files, unless they are attached to the bundle, should be placed in the common space.
Recognition locale of translation
Files can be named freely as long as they have their respective locale declared under the key '_locale'.
_locale: en-US
title: Title
Otherwise, files should be named after their respective locales or placed in directories named accordingly. The only requirement
Translations in a translation file can be namespaced (depending on where they are located). A namespace can be set up only for a whole file, yet a file as such can add more deeply embedded structures.
Tip: A good practise is using PascalCase for naming of namespaces and for leafs use camelCase. This helps protect against conflicts namespace with string.
Splitting keys in file
Comma-separated or x
-separated keys in file e.g.:
_splitKey: '.'
Chapter.title: Title XXX
_splitKey: ':'
Chapter:title: Title
Chapter:xxx: XXX
Will be loaded as following structure:
title: Title
xxx: XXX
Translation in packages
For example, translations files in packages are by default namespaced by their package name.
// file en.json in the universe:profile package
"_locale": "en",
"userName": "User name"
i18n.__('universe:profile', 'userName'); // output: User name
You can change a default namespace for a file by setting a prefix to this file under the key "_namespace".
// file en.json in the universe:profile package
"_locale": "en-US",
"_namespace": "Common",
"userName": "User name"
And then:
i18n.__('Common', 'userName'); // output: User name
i18n.__('Common.userName'); // output: User name
TIP: You can also add translations from a package on the top-level by passing empty string ""
in the key "_namespace".
Translation in application
Here your translations by default are not namespaced which means that your translations from an application space are top-level and can override every other namespace.
For example:
# file en_us.yml in an application space (not from a package)
_locale: en-US
userName: user name
i18n.__('userName'); // output: User name
If you want to add translations under a namespace, you should define it in the key '_namespace'.
_locale: en-US
_namespace: User.Listing.Item
userName: User name
i18n.__('User.Listing.Item.userName'); // output: User name
i18n.__('User', 'Listing', 'Item.userName'); // output: User name
Listener on language change
// adds a listener on language change
i18n.onChangeLocale(function (newLocale) {
// removes a listener
// does something on the first language change and then stops the listener
// adds a translation
i18n.addTranslation(locale, namespace, key, ..., translation);
// adds translations (same as addTranslation)
i18n.addTranslations(locale, namespace, translationsMap);
// gets a translation in params (_locale)
i18n.getTranslation(namespace, key, ..., params);
i18n.__(namespace, key,..., params);
// get translations (locale is by default set to the current one)
i18n.getTranslations(namespace, locale);
// options
// default locale
defaultLocale: 'en-US',
// opens string
open: '{$',
// closes string
close: '}',
// decides whether to show when there's no translation in the current and default language
hideMissing: false,
// url to the host with translations (default: Meteor.absoluteUrl())
// useful when you want to load translations from a different host
hostUrl: '',
// (on the server side only) gives you the possibility to add/change response headers
translationsHeaders = {'Cache-Control':'max-age=2628000'},
// synchronizes server connection with locale on client. (method invoked by client will be with client side locale)
sameLocaleOnServerConnection: true
// supports dynamic imports
// changes locale
i18n.setLocale(locale, params);
// this function on the client side returns a promise (but only if parameter `noDownload !== true`)
// Called from client, it sets locale for connection on server side.
// It mean that method invoked by client will be with client side locale.
// You can turn off this synchronization by setting the global option `sameLocaleOnServerConnection: false`
// Setting locale for connection (if `connectionId` is not provided system will try detect current connection id)
i18n.setLocaleOnConnection(locale, connectionId=);
// this function sets locale in all places, where connection can be detected (like meteor methods)
// gets the current locale
// fetches translations file from the remote server (client/server)
i18n.loadLocale(locale, params)
// @params on the client { fresh = false, async = false, silent = false,
// host = i18n.options.hostUrl, pathOnHost = i18n.options.pathOnHost }
// @params on server { queryParams = {}, fresh = false, silent = false,
// host = i18n.options.hostUrl, pathOnHost = i18n.options.pathOnHost }
// on the server side, this method uses HTTP.get with query parameter `type=json` to fetch json data
// on the client side, it adds a new script with translations to the head node
// this function returns a promise
// executes function in the locale context,
i18n.runWithLocale(locale, func)
// it means that every default locale used inside a called function will be set to a passed locale
// keep in mind that locale must be loaded first (if it is not bundled)
Integration with React
There are few different ways to integrate this package with a React application. Here is the most "React-way" solution facilitating React Context
import { i18n } from 'meteor/universe:i18n';
import React, {
} from 'react';
const localeContext = createContext(i18n.getLocale());
export type LocaleProviderProps = { children: ReactNode };
export function LocaleProvider({ children }: LocaleProviderProps) {
const [locale, setLocale] = useState(i18n.getLocale());
useEffect(() => {
return () => {
}, [setLocale]);
return (
<localeContext.Provider value={locale}>{children}</localeContext.Provider>
export function useLocale() {
return useContext(localeContext);
It allows creating following hook:
export function useTranslator(prefix = '') {
const locale = useLocale();
return useCallback(
(key: string, ...args: unknown[]) =>
i18n.getTranslation(prefix, key, ...args),
Which can be later used in the following way:
function Example() {
const t = useTranslator();
return (
Are you sure?
<CompanyField placeholder={t('')} />
Here are other options for React integration:
The most straight-forward approach. Gets transaltion every time language is changed.
import { i18n } from 'meteor/universe:i18n';
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
export function useTranslation(key: string, ...args: unknown[]) {
const setLocale = useState(i18n.getLocale())[1];
useEffect(() => {
return () => {
}, [setLocale]);
return i18n.getTranslation(key, ...args);
Improved version of the solution above. Gets translation every time acctual translation changes, instead of reacting on language changes. Usefull when different languages has same translations.
import { i18n } from 'meteor/universe:i18n';
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
export function useTranslation(key: string, ...args: unknown[]) {
const getTranslation = () => i18n.getTranslation(key, ...args);
const [translation, setTranslation] = useState(getTranslation());
useEffect(() => {
const update = () => setTranslation(getTranslation());
return () => {
}, []);
return translation;
The meteor-way solution that facilitates ReactiveVar
and useTracker
. The advantage of this approach is creating only one listener instead of creating a listener on every locale change.
import { i18n } from 'meteor/universe:i18n';
import { ReactiveVar } from 'meteor/reactive-var';
import { useTracker } from 'meteor/react-meteor-data';
const localeReactive = new ReactiveVar<string>(i18n.getLocale());
export function getTranslationReactive(key: string, ...args: unknown[]) {
return i18n.getTranslation(key, ...args);
export function useTranslation(key: string, ...args: unknown[]) {
return useTracker(() => getTranslationReactive(key, ...args), []);
Integration with Blaze
import { i18n } from 'meteor/universe:i18n';
import { Template } from 'meteor/templating';
import { ReactiveVar } from 'meteor/reactive-var';
const localeReactive = new ReactiveVar<string>(i18n.getLocale());
Template.registerHelper('__', function (key: string, ...args: unknown[]) {
return i18n.getTranslation(key, ...args);
Integration with SimpleSchema package
Add following-like code to main.js:
const registerSchemaMessages = () => {
required: i18n.__('SimpleSchema.required'),
Put the default error messages somewhere in your project on both sides e.g.:
_locale: en
_namespace: SimpleSchema
required: '[label] is required'
minString: '[label] must be at least [min] characters'
maxString: '[label] cannot exceed [max] characters'
minNumber: '[label] must be at least [min]'
maxNumber: '[label] cannot exceed [max]'
minNumberExclusive: '[label] must be greater than [min]'
maxNumberExclusive: '[label] must be less than [max]'
minDate: '[label] must be on or after [min]'
maxDate: '[label] cannot be after [max]'
badDate: '[label] is not a valid date'
minCount: 'You must specify at least [minCount] values'
maxCount: 'You cannot specify more than [maxCount] values'
noDecimal: '[label] must be an integer'
notAllowed: '[value] is not an allowed value'
expectedString: '[label] must be a string'
expectedNumber: '[label] must be a number'
expectedBoolean: '[label] must be a boolean'
expectedArray: '[label] must be an array'
expectedObject: '[label] must be an object'
expectedConstructor: '[label] must be a [type]'
msg: '[label] failed regular expression validation'
Email: '[label] must be a valid e-mail address'
WeakEmail: '[label] must be a valid e-mail address'
Domain: '[label] must be a valid domain'
WeakDomain: '[label] must be a valid domain'
IP: '[label] must be a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address'
IPv4: '[label] must be a valid IPv4 address'
IPv6: '[label] must be a valid IPv6 address'
Url: '[label] must be a valid URL'
Id: '[label] must be a valid alphanumeric ID'
keyNotInSchema: '[key] is not allowed by the schema'
Running Tests
meteor test-packages --driver-package meteortesting:mocha universe:i18n

Like every package maintained by Vazco, universe:i18n is MIT licensed.