Hi @dmr , in case you could find a fix from your side, could be nice to get a feedback here, so that TSI can reach out more fast to...
Good morning, one of the partners fixed their 'sc timestamp' problem already: In their case, no 'sc timestamp' was set on their side but was set by test-result-server, when...
Hi @mlenkeit , my thoughts that combining the QR codes won't be possible at all I shared here: > > This is not possible inside the EU DCC schema,...
@mlenkeit Is there already a plan to extend the up coming '2G check-in' also for 2G+B in the near future? For mRNA vaccinated people (1/1, 2/2, 3/3) it would only...
Here we have another concrete use case, where an alternative option to import/enter a test probably would have prevented for one user to turn his back on CWA and go...
Would be nice if implemented quickly!
One could think if the GUID could be displayed instead some of the `undefined`s, like `Location ID: S897-SHJKD-9879-DAKJ` That would people show that CWA received something that can be worked...
Added push notification to the user story.
@dsarkar Thanks for your immediate transfer to a ticket. Please feel free to add 'your' own user story: "As a supporter, I..." 😉 Maybe that increases attention from PO.
@GN81 Auch ich stimme dir zu, dass da ganz schön viel schief gelaufen ist. Was die Nummerierung der Zertifikate angeht, die im Konsens der EU entwickelt worden sind, habe ich...