rollup-plugin-vuetify copied to clipboard
Vuetify autoloader 🤖
The plugin is a missing autoloader of vuetify components.
It eliminates the pain of manually importing all of the Vuetify components you use. It also allows you to use tree shaking as efficiently as possible.
This is a must if you decide to write your vuetify-based library.
Install the plugin with npm:
npm install --save-dev vue-template-compiler rollup-plugin-vuetify
Note: vue-template-compiler version must match your vue version
There is a configuration example for building a simple js library:
const { rollup } = require("rollup");
const vue = require("rollup-plugin-vue");
const postcss = require("rollup-plugin-postcss");
const vuetify = require("rollup-plugin-vuetify");
const build = async () => {
try {
const bundle = await rollup({
input: "src/index.js",
external: ["vue", "vuetify/lib"],
plugins: [
vuetify({ include: 'src/**', exclude: 'someFolder/**' }/* options are optional */)
format: "esm",
file: "dist/bundle.js",
} catch (e) {
You can also find the typescript example here demo/rollup.js
The demo/
folder and html preview
were created as an example of how a project can be configured and what types of components can be used.
├── dist
│ ├── browser.js <- fully compiled application without vue but with vuetify
│ ├── index.html <- demo with application to show that everything is ok
│ ├── ts.js <- bundled components with @rollup/plugin-typescript
│ └── ts2.js <- bundled components with rollup-typescript-2
├── rollup.js <- rollup configuration
├── src
│ ├── App.vue <- application component
│ ├── Components <- components with all possible scenarios
│ │ ├── Complex.vue <- component with partial manual import
│ │ ├── Decorated.vue <- component decorated with `vue-property-decorator`
│ │ ├── Empty.vue <- component without any properties, can be used as a wrapper
│ │ ├── EmptyDecorator.vue <- component with "empty" decorator
│ │ ├── ExportByReference.vue <- component with export defined previously as a variable
│ │ ├── Extended.vue <- component created with Vue.extend()
│ │ ├── External <- component splitted into separate files
│ │ │ ├── Component.vue
│ │ │ ├── index.js
│ │ │ ├── script.js
│ │ │ ├── style.css
│ │ │ └── template.html
│ │ ├── Simple.vue <- simple generic component
│ │ ├── WithEmptyScript.vue <- component with empty `script` section
│ │ ├── WithoutScript.vue <- component without `script` section, best choice for template chunks
│ │ └── index.js
│ ├── index.js <- entry point to bundle components as es module without vue and vuetify
│ ├── main.js <- entry point of application
│ └── shims-vue.d.ts
└── tsconfig.json
Supported Feartures
- Typescript >2.x and vue-property-decorator (docs);
- Components created with Vue.extend() (docs);
- Components separated on the external files (docs, example);
- Autoloading of Vuetify 1.x and 2.x components;
- Partial import. All missing components will be added to the final bundle. This option is great for existing projects;
Known Caveats
- Plugin doesn't allow overwriting the built-in vuetify components with your own (known as Custom Dynamic imports);
- All known limitations of the original vuetify-loader (see more here;
- Plugin doesn't support the re-exported components from
section; - Do not use @rollup/plugin-typescript > 3.1.1. It isn't compatible with vue;
Under The Hood
It works similarly to the vuetify-loader. But plugin uses AST transformation under the hood. It allows you to get rid of extra code and optimize your final bundle even more.