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9 CPU Scheduling Algorithms with I/O Time, Gantt Chart, Context Switch, Time Log Animation, Timeline Chart, Comparison between all algorithms and more.
CPU Scheduling Algorithms
- 9 Algorithms are implemented.
- Each process can have different number of CPU Burst Time and I/O Burst Time.
- Gantt Chart and Timeline Chart for the given Schedule.
- Context Switching Time.
- Animation of the Time Log.
- Comparison for Round Robin Algorithm for all time quantum.
- Comparison between all the algorithms wrt Average Completion Time, Turn Around Time, Waiting Time and Response Time.
Different Criteria and Algorithms
- The first process arrived in the ready queue is processed first.
First Come First Serve (FCFS)
First Come First Serve (FCFS)
- The shortest job in the ready queue is processed first.
Shortest Job First (SJF)
Shortest Remaining Job First (SRJF)
Shortest Job First (SJF)
- The longest job in the ready queue is processed first.
Longest Job First (LJF)
Longest Remaining Job First (LRJF)
Longest Job First (LJF)
- The highest priority job in the ready queue is processed first.
Priority Non-Preemptive (PNP)
Priority Preemptive(PP)
Priority Non-Preemptive (PNP)
- The jobs in the ready queue are given a fixed time quantum.
Round Robin (RR)
Round Robin (RR)
- The job with the highest response ratio in the ready queue is processed first.
Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)
Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)
Non-Preemptive: Once a job enters the Running Queue, it will only leave when its required CPU Burst Time is completed or it requires an I/O Job.
Preemptive: A job in the Running Queue can be removed (preeempted) by other process of higher priority or with better criteria satisfaction or the given time quantum is completed.
Different States in CPU Scheduler
- Remain
The processes which are yet to arrive.
- Ready
The processes which are ready to be executed.
- Running
Current Process Running in the CPU.
- Block
The processes which are blocked for I/O Time.
- Terminate
The processes which have completed all the CPU and I/O.
Technologies Used
- Vanilla JS
- Google Charts
- Chart.js