d3-force-registry copied to clipboard
Thanks so much for curating and assembling this. As I mentioned on Twitter, I think beeswarm not M.Bostock and force in a box belong here. If so, I will happily submit pull.
Also, the stuff in webcola
is not direct use of force but rather alternate forces.
d3-force-gravity https://github.com/sohamkamani/d3-force-gravity http://www.sohamkamani.com/d3-force-gravity__demo/
not sure where to put this https://github.com/civisanalytics/potato
old but still neat https://github.com/morganecf/d3.crystal
brand new and very interesting https://github.com/alexburner/force-base
This is great, thanks @timelyportfolio for all these great references. Was awesome to see some of them I hadn't seen before! I'll go through the list and include those that make the most sense. I think possibly the list should remain focused on plugins and extensions to d3-force, to retain usefulness. If it includes also frameworks/layouts that use d3-force internally I fear it just may get a bit swampy as there's a long tail of examples, so I'm inclined to prevent that.
But by glancing at it, I see a few examples that are def relevant. Thanks again for the contributions!