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Syberia OS stuck at boot animation
Hi, first of all, thks for your work! I own a POCOphone and I'm on latest MIUI BETA 11.8.15. I've installed multirom without problems. I try to install latest Syberia and it always get stuck at bootanimation. The steps I make for this are: Launch Multirom TWRP menu->Add Rom->Zip->Select Syberia rom zip->Reboot to system
I've tried adding magisk and gapps and nothing changes...
Tell me if I can help in detecting the issue or if you need anything from me.
Thanks again!!
The same issue for me also. Primary - MIUI 8.11.15 Secondary - LOS, Arrow But NOS worked.
I've just formated and installed everything from zero and I'm having the same problems... I'm on xiaomi eu 8.11.23 and trying latest syberia as secondary rom... is there anything I can provide for helping detecting the problem?
Can you tell me the security patch version of primary and secondary
Hi I'm on 11.8.23 eu as primary rom, so it's 2018-10-01. On secondary I don't know cause it has never booted I've tried both syberia 2018-11-17 and 2018-11-23... and same 11.8.23 eu rom and it doesn't boot either...