pro-mern-stack-2 copied to clipboard
HMR for the Server does not finish
on Windowns
"scripts": {
"#start": "UI server. HMR is enabled in dev mode.",
"start": "node dist/server.js",
"#lint": "Runs ESLint on all relevant files",
"lint": "eslint server src browser --ext js,jsx",
"#compile": "Generates JS bundles for production. Use with start.",
"compile": "webpack --mode production",
"#watch-server-hmr": "Recompile server HMR bundle on changes.",
"watch-server-hmr": "webpack -w --config webpack.serverHMR.js",
"#dev-all": "Dev mode: watch for server changes and start UI server",
"dev-all": "del dist\* && npm run watch-server-hmr & timeout 5 && npm start"
And the npm start , "never start"