vas penu
vas penu
I uploaded the file that i used with charmm force field for RNA. Running fine without issues.
attached pdb file here !
I tried using adaptive sampling as per your suggestions with the Amber force field and user-defined dihedrals for RNA. While I did not encounter any issues with the Charmm force...
Thanks for your reply. I attached zip folder as drive link and contain requested folders. Regards Vas
I have identified the problem. Upon building the build_amber, the segid was no longer present . That is causing conflict while defining the dihedrals in metric. To address this, I...
Looks like I can use amber force field . I have come across a resource provided by Dimitris's Group via the following link, which includes libraries, definitions, frcmod files, and...
I discovered force field parameters for Dimethyl Arginine (aSym, sym) under the names DA2 and 2MR, which can be found in the directory ~/lib/python3.10/site-packages/htmd/share/builder/amberfiles/ff-ptm/. However, I couldn't locate monomethyl arginine...
This is also resolved. You can close this ticket as well.