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PHPDoc to Sphinx/ReStructured Text API documentation tool


PHPDoc to Sphinx phpdomain

Writing ReStructuredText documentation for your PHP project? Already have well documented PHP code using docblocks? Use this to generate API documentation compatible with Sphinx's sphinxcontrib-phpdomain.

The name is a mixture of 'sphinx' and 'phpdoc'.


Compatible with PSR-0. The vendor namespace is Sphpdox.


Sphpdox is available on Packagist as sphpdox/sphpdox.

        "require": {
            "sphpdox/sphpdox": "dev-master"

What It Does

Sphpdox reads a directory of your namespaced source code. It finds documented classes, methods, properties, etc. and produces documentation in ReStructuredText format, using the phpdomain available as part of sphinxcontrib. It takes a library like this:

├── SplClassLoader.php
└── Wrench
    ├── Application
    │   ├── Application.php
    │   └── EchoApplication.php
    ├── BasicServer.php
    ├── Client.php
    ├── ConnectionManager.php
    ├── Connection.php
    ├── Frame
    │   ├── Frame.php
    │   └── HybiFrame.php
    ├── Listener
    │   ├── HandshakeRequestListener.php
    │   ├── Listener.php
    │   ├── OriginPolicy.php
    │   └── RateLimiter.php
    ├── Payload
    │   ├── HybiPayload.php
    │   └── Payload.php
    ├── Protocol
    │   ├── Hybi10Protocol.php
    │   ├── HybiProtocol.php
    │   ├── Protocol.php
    │   └── Rfc6455Protocol.php
    ├── Resource.php
    ├── Server.php
    ├── Socket
    │   ├── ClientSocket.php
    │   ├── ServerClientSocket.php
    │   ├── ServerSocket.php
    │   ├── Socket.php
    │   └── UriSocket.php
    └── Util
        ├── Configurable.php
        └── Ssl.php

And turns it into a documentation tree, like this:

├── Application
│   ├── Application.rst
│   ├── EchoApplication.rst
│   └── index.rst
├── BasicServer.rst
├── Client.rst
├── ConnectionManager.rst
├── Connection.rst
├── Frame
│   ├── Frame.rst
│   ├── HybiFrame.rst
│   └── index.rst
├── index.rst
├── Listener
│   ├── HandshakeRequestListener.rst
│   ├── index.rst
│   ├── Listener.rst
│   ├── OriginPolicy.rst
│   └── RateLimiter.rst
├── Payload
│   ├── HybiPayload.rst
│   ├── index.rst
│   └── Payload.rst
├── Protocol
│   ├── Hybi10Protocol.rst
│   ├── HybiProtocol.rst
│   ├── index.rst
│   ├── Protocol.rst
│   └── Rfc6455Protocol.rst
├── Resource.rst
├── Server.rst
├── Socket
│   ├── ClientSocket.rst
│   ├── index.rst
│   ├── ServerClientSocket.rst
│   ├── ServerSocket.rst
│   ├── Socket.rst
│   └── UriSocket.rst
└── Util
    ├── Configurable.rst
    ├── index.rst
    └── Ssl.rst

Where each file contains documentation for a class, like this:

.. php:class:: DateTime

  Datetime class

  .. php:method:: setDate($year, $month, $day)

      Set the date.

      :param int $year: The year.
      :param int $month: The month.
      :param int $day: The day.
      :returns: Either false on failure, or the datetime object for method chaining.

  .. php:method:: setTime($hour, $minute[, $second])

      Set the time.

      :param int $hour: The hour
      :param int $minute: The minute
      :param int $second: The second
      :returns: Either false on failure, or the datetime object for method chaining.

  .. php:const:: ATOM



./sphpdox.php help for help. The main command is process. If you don't supply any arguments, you'll be asked interactively.

Here's the built-in help for the process command:

$./sphpdox.php help process
 process [-o|--output="..."] [-t|--title="..."] [-x|--exclude="..."] namespace path

 namespace      The namespace to process
 path           The path the namespace can be found in

 --output (-o)  The path to output the ReST files (default: build)
 --title (-t)   An alternate title for the top level namespace
 --exclude (-x) Semicolon separated namespaces to ignore

 The process command works recursively on a directory of PHP code.


Sphpdox uses the Symfony Console component, and PHP-Token-Reflection. I strongly recommend you use composer to install sphpdox, to avoid hunting down dependencies.


sphpdox is released under GPL-3.0+