BeagleboneBlack-QNX-QT copied to clipboard
Beaglebone black (AM335X ) HDMI (TDA19988) QNX QT
QT 4.7.1 QNX binaries uploaded on my google drive.
( this was there in the QNX site.. but now the link is removed (
copy the files to the respective QNX installation folder qt_qnx_host_win32_x86 goes to C:\QNX650\host (mine installed here)
qt_qnx_targets\target\qnx6\armle-v7 goes to C:\QNX650\target\qnx6\armle-v7
qt_qnx_targets\target\qnx6\usr goes to C:\QNX650\target\qnx6\usr
Building BSP a.create an empty project b.File -> import ->General ->Existing Projects in to Workspace -> File system (select the unzipped folder )
QT Application building (on Windows)
a. cmd <- go to the project folder b. qmake -spec unsupported/qws/qnx-armv7-g++ c. make For debug option a.qmake -spec unsupported/qws/qnx-armv7-g++ CONFIG+=debug b. make or make CONFIG+=debug
Running QML Application
a.use qmlviewer Demo.qml
b. cEasy easyQML.qml
QT Debugging from IDE
a. QNX IDE -> File ->New -> QNX C++ Project -> build variants -> armV7
b. Right click on the project -> properties
Select Compiler Tab -> Extra Include path
c.Add from -> "Disk" - then "apply "
[QNX Directory ] /target/qnx6/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/imports
[QNX Directory ]/target/qnx6/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/plugins
[QNX Directory ]/target/qnx6/usr/include/qt4
e.Linker Tab
category "Extra library " click "Add" and type
f. debug configuration-> Environment variable
XDG_CONFIG_HOME=/ramdisk "apply " , click "ok" , Now "build project" can compile the QT source code.
Note :first QT application should be accompanied with '-qws' qtdemo -qws &
Uboot /Flashing:
You can download the files from QNX site / uploaded here for convenience
use TI_SDCard_boot_utility_v1_0.exe to copy the MLO file , on windows Run as administrator
Screen Resolution :
Screen resolution set to 800x480 , To edit this go to bsp-ti-beaglebone-src\src\hardware\devg\omapl1xx\omapl1xx.h