peer-data icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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Library for files, media streaming/sharing using WebRTC


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PeerData is a library for bidirectional peer-to-peer transfers of arbitrary data using RTCDataChannel. Simple WebRTC wrapper providing data channel abstraction.

WebRTC needs a messaging service to set up and maintain a WebRTC call.

The sender and receiver RTCPeerConnections run in web pages on different devices, and we need a way for them to communicate metadata. For this, we use a signaling server: a server that can pass messages between WebRTC clients (peers).

PeerDataServer - An ready to use example of signaling server on Node using



Want to contribute ? Feel free to send pull requests!

Have problems, bugs, feature ideas? We are using the github issue tracker to manage them.

πŸ“š Documentation

For documentation (including examples), visit


  1. Chat Example
  2. React Chat Example
  3. React Hook


$ npm install peer-data

Basic example

import PeerData, { EventDispatcher, SocketChannel } from 'peer-data';

const constraints = {ordered: true};
const servers = {
  iceServers: [
    {urls: ""}

const dispatcher = new EventDispatcher();
const peerData = new PeerData(dispatcher, servers, constraints);
const signaling = new SocketChannel(dispatcher, 'http://localhost:8080');

const room = peerData.connect('test-room');

room.on("participant", participant => {
  participant.on("message", payload => console.log("message", payload));

  participant.send('Hi mate! this is private message.');

For how to disconnect, close connection and handle errors please check documentation.

πŸ“œ License

This package is released under the MIT license. See the complete license in the package