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Robust PostgreSQL interface for Swift
PostgreSQL for Swift
The PostgreSQL C driver must be installed in order to use this package.
Follow the README of the cpostgresql repo to get started.
Using PostgreSQL
This section outlines how to import the PostgreSQL package both with or without a Vapor project.
With Vapor
The easiest way to use PostgreSQL with Vapor is to include the PostgreSQL provider.
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "Project",
dependencies: [
.Package(url: "", majorVersion: 2),
.Package(url: "", majorVersion: 2)
exclude: [ ... ]
The PostgreSQL provider package adds PostgreSQL to your project and adds some additional, Vapor-specific conveniences like drop.postgresql()
Using import PostgreSQLProvider
will import both Fluent and Fluent's Vapor-specific APIs.
With Fluent
Fluent is a powerful, pure-Swift ORM that can be used with any Server-Side Swift framework. The PostgreSQL driver allows you to use a PostgreSQL database to power your models and queries.
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "Project",
dependencies: [
.Package(url: "", majorVersion: 2),
.Package(url: "", majorVersion: 2)
exclude: [ ... ]
Use import PostgreSQLDriver
to access the PostgreSQLDriver
class which you can use to initialize a Fluent Database
Just PostgreSQL
At the core of the PostgreSQL provider and PostgreSQL driver is a Swift wrapper around the C PostgreSQL client. This package can be used by itself to send raw, parameterized queries to your PostgreSQL database.
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "Project",
dependencies: [
.Package(url: "", majorVersion: 2)
exclude: [ ... ]
Use import PostgreSQL
to access the PostgreSQL.Database
Connecting to the Database
import PostgreSQL
let postgreSQL = PostgreSQL.Database(
hostname: "localhost",
database: "test",
user: "root",
password: ""
let version = try postgreSQL.execute("SELECT version()")
Prepared Statement
The second parameter to execute()
is an array of PostgreSQL.Value
let results = try postgreSQL.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE age >= $1", [.int(21)])
Listen and Notify
try postgreSQL.listen(to: "test_channel") { notification in
// Allow set up time for LISTEN
try postgreSQL.notify(channel: "test_channel", payload: "test_payload")
Each call to execute()
creates a new connection to the PostgreSQL database. This ensures thread safety since a single connection cannot be used on more than one thread.
If you would like to re-use a connection between calls to execute, create a reusable connection and pass it as the third parameter to execute()
let connection = try postgreSQL.makeConnection()
let result = try postgreSQL.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE age >= $1", [.int(21)]), connection)
Maintained by Steven Roebert, Nate Bird, Prince Ugwuh, and other members of the Vapor community.