hue-thief copied to clipboard
No output, never exists
Running hue-thief I never see any output nor does the process ever exit. I run the docker container on a host that sees the cc2531 as /dev/ttyACM0:
[~] # dmesg | grep ACM
[426686.432044] cdc_acm 2-2:1.0: ttyACM0: USB ACM device
[~] # ls -l /dev/ttyACM0
crw------- 1 admin administrators 166, 0 2020-01-10 09:54 /dev/ttyACM0
[~] #
and run the container like this:
`docker run --rm --device=/dev/ttyACM0:/dev/ttyACM0 -it hue-thief:latest python hue-thief/ /dev/ttyACM0``
Inside the container, the device file shows like
root@2e13d5a444df:/# ls -l /dev/ttyACM0
crw------- 1 root root 166, 0 Jan 10 10:02 /dev/ttyACM0
so from a permissions perspective it should be ok.
After 30min of waiting in front of an empty terminal, I decided to open this issue. I read the troubleshooting section, but I can assure there's no other container using the device.
Same thing happens here. I am using the conbee2 with just the script. Permissions shouldn't be the problem.
Script runs but nothing seems to happen. I have tried adjusting permissions and running it on a pi2 and pi3 with no luck. Using the Elelabs Raspberry Pi Shield. Tried just the script, and then tried installing docker and running that way with no luck.
If anyone has the same issue, I caved and bought a Hue Dimmer Remote. I got the Hue lights to reset without a bridge by pressing on and off simultaneously for about 15 seconds until the light starts flashing (the remote needs to be fairly close to the light). Then unplug the light and plug it back in. After this I was able to connect the Hue light to Home Assistant with ZHA (again pretty close to the light).
Same here, nothing append. I tried to make the bulb in listen position (OFF, ON 5 seconds, off 2 seconds, on)
Try changing the number at the end of the device from 0 to 1. That worked for me.
I also ran into this issue and for me it turned out you need to make sure you have the correct device when you run:
python3 hue-thief /dev/ttyUSB0
Make sure the /dev/ttyUSB0
is actually your correct ZigBee device.
If you need to, you can try unplugging it, and check if it's still there, to verify you have the right device. 👍