Results 35 comments of Ivan

Have this message (`journalctl -f`) on show Guake and nothing for hide: `gnome-shell[63949]: Window manager warning: Buggy client sent a _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW message with a timestamp of 0 for 0x260000c`

Difference of `envv` variable passed to `spawn_sync`: Run from terminal: ``` "SHLVL=1" "GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/home/vantu5z/data" "VTE_VERSION=6600" "GNOME_TERMINAL_SCREEN=/org/gnome/Terminal/screen/4429569c_c180_49b1_bbc7_43634fc3f22d" "GNOME_TERMINAL_SERVICE=:1.75" "_=/usr/bin/guake" ``` Run by desktop file: ``` "SHLVL=0" "DESKTOP_STARTUP_ID=gnome-shell/Терминал Guake/73925-1-vantu5zbook_TIME69845480" "GJS_DEBUG_TOPICS=JS ERROR;JS LOG" "INVOCATION_ID=a2ec9a3468734a17aa4246e2f0e2d78f"...

I give up.. Have no ideas and can't find place where it crash Shell. While debuging found that `settings.get_string(key)` can return empty string, so check should be: ``` def...

@LunaGNUisance do you have issue if restart Guake?

This issue is not solved. And reason is not detected. Guake crash gnome-shell on hiding if it started manualy.

Found, that if we have cloned monitors with different resolution backgrounds created for all monitors but shown on primary.

Have some issue with corners artifacts, opened in micheleg/dash-to-dock (162). When change shell theme - all is fine.

Also when set/unset keybinding - it will be shown/applied after config dialog is restarted. So you can't see if keybinding is set or not on a fly.

Try to translate, but translation applied only for panel icon menu. Should I do something else to apply it?

@arnaud-feldmann I try to add Russian translation, what I do: 1. Create `ru.po` in `po/` dir. 2. run `make msgmerge` to add strings to *.po files. 3. edit po file...