Niklas Baudy

Results 210 comments of Niklas Baudy

Oh yes, I'm also very much interested this.

Is there any update on iOS support?

I could yeah but why not improve the API so that everyone can benefit from it?

> We're working on this use-case and I'll update the issue for any findings/solution/advice. Has there been any update? I've got a similar stacktrace: ``` Fatal Exception: startForegroundService() not...

I've tried: ``` kotlin { [ iosX64(), iosArm64(), iosSimulatorArm64(), ].forEach { it.binaries.all { freeCompilerArgs += "-Xg0" // Required for CrashKiOS. if (it instanceof org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.mpp.Framework) { it.isStatic = true // Required...

@jafu888 is there any further information you need?

Also an issue with Constraint Layout 2.1.1 - potentially making it even worse: