jsoneditor-react copied to clipboard
Change size when using ace editor
How can i change size of this component when using ace editor?
I think this sounds like it could be similar to the issue I'm seeing.
When I add the jsonEditor to my application, It does not expand to the full height.
If I set the height for the div that contains the jsonEditor to be 75vh the json editor expands but the content in the ace editor does not
Update - I just realized that resizing it the way I did worked. But because I tested my css in the browser first the ace editor didn't adjust automatically. So changing the height of the parent div does work
When I remove the ace editor, I can easily set the height of the content the way I want it. So I guess to get back to what I think @tungns0695 question is. Is there a correct way to control the height of the ace editor?
I use htmlElementProps={{ style: { height: '300px' } }}
to control height
why I can't change the font size of the Ace Editor using useState hooks in react, I mean I tried it, but it didn't change dynamically in the website when I change it.
is the fontSize property not changeable like that. please someone provide me a solution.