Vanessa Sidrim
Vanessa Sidrim
I performed the conversion of my database to coco format, I managed to execute the sp-nas but the training and validation results (mAP and AP) are zeroed. Is it necessary...
attached the logs: [fine_tune_worker_0.log]( [parallel_worker_1.log]( [parallel_worker_2.log]( [parallel_worker_3.log]( [parallel_worker_4.log]( [parallel_worker_5.log]( [parallel_worker_6.log]( [parallel_worker_7.log]( [parallel_worker_8.log]( [parallel_worker_9.log]( [parallel_worker_10.log]( [parallel_worker_11.log]( [parallel_worker_12.log]( [parallel_worker_13.log]( [parallel_worker_14.log]( [parallel_worker_15.log]( [parallel_worker_16.log]( [parallel_worker_17.log]( [parallel_worker_18.log]( [parallel_worker_19.log]( [parallel_worker_20.log]( [parallel_worker_21.log]( [pipeline.log]( [reignition_worker_8.log]( [reignition_worker_15.log]( [serial_worker_1.log]( [serial_worker_2.log](
I ran with this configuration and got the following error: `Unexpected key(s) in state_dict for conversion: roi_heads.box_predictor.cls_score.weight torch.Size([91, 1024]) --> roi_heads.box_predictor.cls_score .weight torch.Size([1, 1024])`
same error occurred after changes `Unexpected key(s) in state_dict for conversion: roi_heads.box_predictor.cls_score.weight torch.Size([91, 1024]) --> roi_heads.box_predictor.cls_score .weight torch.Size([1, 1024])`
I managed to run but the results at all times are `current valid perfs [mAP: -1.000, AP_small: -1.000, AP_medium: -1.000, AP_large: -1.000], best valid perfs [mAP: -1.000, AP_small: -1.000, AP_medium:...
this is the return of finetune phase execution
Could you tell me if the segmentation values impact the calculation of these metrics? As my dataset was in VOC format I performed the conversion to COCO format and this...