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Fast JSON parser and validator for Go. No custom structs, no code generation, no reflection

Results 56 fastjson issues
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possible to have the program run it still and parse as best as it can be or fill the comma itself?

According to the manual, there should be a function called GetString, but only GetStringBytes works for me. var parser fastjson.Parser json, err := parser.Parse(string(response.Body)) data := json.GetString("data") ./main.go:368:31: json.GetString undefined...

Question, 1. I need to concatenate two two []*fastjson.Value arrays to one. 2. Save the concatenated array to a file - Both arrays carry the same structured JSON objects. (imagine...

Hello, I want to decode JSON response from `fasthttp.Response` `Body()` `[]byte`, but I don't know how to do it. I currently using `encoding/json` decoder.

Hey, Not sure this is a bug or by design, I didn't find anything on the docs mention that and I think it made my app OOM This is the...

The JSON could contains >200MB and memory usage was 3GB+, how do you handle large JSON efficiently and access value on 2nd level depth? ``` f, err := ioutil.ReadFile("1.json") if...


- `TryVisit`: fallible version of `Visit` - `TryGet`: fallible version of `Get` - `Take` and `TryTake`: handy methods to simultaneously `Get`/`TryGet` and `Del` a `Value` from an object

Hi, I am currently having to construct a JSON file containing three things. Instances, versions and function names. Each instance has a version, each version has multiple function names. Therefore,...