
Results 36 issues of valuex

从B站上下了个视频,。 格式为1080p的mp4,nosub可以打开但不能自动切轴,左下角状态栏显示 convert to pcm file failed。 请看看如何解决,谢谢。


需求说明: NoSub在断句方面的速度很快,希望能增加一个导出当前句子对应的视频的功能。这样方便针对复杂句子反复听读,NoSub也可以当外语学习软件了。 个人看ffmpeg有个命令行,可以比较容易实现。建议放到右侧列表右键菜单或者底部波形图右键菜单中。 希望能增加此特性。谢谢。

new features

快捷键分几个层次,建议考虑,谢谢。 L1: 针对当前功能定义一下快捷键,希望增加上一句,下一句的挑战快捷键; L2: 快捷键可自定义 L3: 可自定义类似vim的单键快捷键,j/k跳转到上/下句,i进入当前句子字幕编辑

new features

系统:win10 X64 VS: visual studio 2017 community wxWidget: wxWidgets-3.0.4 CMake: 3.11.4 (官网下载编译好的版本即可) 编译成功! **一、CMakeLists.txt 中** 1. Line3换成: set(CMAKE_VS_PLATFORM_TOOLSET v141) //V141 是VS2017的代号 1. Line10 :set(WXWIN C:/wxWidgets-3.0.4) //此处直接定义wxWidgets 所在目录 2. Line19: else(UNIX)...

JpegView does not show the Exif information completely. For example, they commented of the current temperature is not shown. Could you have to fix it? Thanks. ![image](


add an option in JPEGView.ini to enable ShowFullNameInTitle

1. Can't match bookmarks from letters by key words other than that begins from the very first!!! ex. input "gm", "gmail" shows in the list; while input "mail", nothing appears....

个人是从Lucy过来的,Lucy有一个比较好的功能,就是可以通过快捷键直接进入搜索界面。 希望能参考,提供一个相同的功能,对键盘党来说,效率会高不少。谢谢。

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**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** no. **Describe the solution you'd like** In PDF-XChange, there is a panel to display the search results. It is very...