quay icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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An open source, high performance limit order book for the Seaport smart contracts. Implemented in Rust using ethers-rs, this offers a turnkey option for digital asset marketplaces.


Quay is an open source, high performance backend for the Seaport smart contracts. The project is implemented in Rust, using Postgres as a storage backend, with the aim of allowing a proliferation of signature based trading platforms for ERC-721s and ERC-1155s based on the Seaport smart contract interface.

Project structure

Web application

main.rs contains the main function, which is called when the crate's binary is executed. That in turn calls startup.rs. That creates the application, attaches the services, routes, database connection pool, and rpc connection context used by the endpoints.


Routes and services are defined in /routes using actix-web macros.


telemetry.rs and startup.rs set up a tracing framework that provides rich logs for runtime telemetry and development debugging. These tracing logs are then extended via macros on routes.


name = "Adding a new offer",
skip(offer, pool, seaport),
offerer = %offer.parameters.offerer,
async fn create_offer(
    offer: web::Json<Order>,
    pool: web::Data<PgPool>,
    seaport: web::Data<Seaport<Provider<ethers::providers::Http>>>,
) -> HttpResponse {
    if insert_offer(&pool, &offer, &seaport).await.is_err() {
        return HttpResponse::InternalServerError().finish();

SIWE Authentication

This project supports EIP-4361 (Sign in with Ethereum) authentication. See src/routes/sessions.rs for implementation details.


Redis is used for SIWE session storage.


The database schema and queries are written in SQL and managed with sqlx. The schemas live in migrations/, and the database queries are inline where used on the objects (SQL speaking objects). The database connection is handled in a connection pool at application startup.

Generating queries for macros

When new queries are added, run DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:password@localhost:5432/quay cargo sqlx prepare -- --lib to generate new query definitions for the macro expansion used by sqlx.


Database schema migrations are performed out of band with sqlx-cli. All database migrations should be tested locally, and applied in a non-breaking fashion. What this means, ideally, is that there is a migration to add new functionality, then a rollout of the new backend version, then another migration to delete any legacy schema after roll out.

How to run migration using sqlx-cli
  1. sqlx migrate add '<MIGRATION_NAME>';
  2. Write all necesarry queries in migrations/<MIGRATION_NAME>;
  3. Apply for local db (if it's required for testing): sqlx migrate run;

Smart contract interactions and data structures

Blockchain interactions happen via RPC using the ethers-rs library. This project contains type safe bindings for the seaport (seaport.rs) and conduit controller (conduit_controller.rs) contracts, which have been extended with other functionality, and will eventually include functions for serializing to and from postgres. The rpc connection is handled by a wrapped reference counter at application startup.

Local development environment

Developers will need rust and docker to work on this project. Docker is used to host a local instance of the postgres database to execute tests against. To set up a local database, run: ./scripts/init_db.sh and ./scripts/init_redis.sh

Building the project

Run cargo build to build the project. indexer.dockerfile and api.dockerfile are useful for generating docker images for use in production or testing.


Tests live in the /tests folder.

Running the tests

Run cargo test any time after setting up your development environment.


CI/CD is implemented using GitHub actions, the scripting is in .github/workflows. There are certain actions which run on open pull requests, and deploy actions, which run only after passing tests on master.

Continuous Integration

This project uses clippy, tarpaulin, and a number of other crates to provide end-to-end tests, unit tests, formatting, linting, and static analysis to enforce code quality. These tests are then run in an automated fashion using GitHub actions.

Continuous Deployment

This project supports deployment to Digital Ocean via spec.yaml