ng2-select copied to clipboard
Add possibility to assign object to active property instead of array.
In the source code we have the following code:
public set active(selectedItems:Array<any>) {
if (!selectedItems || selectedItems.length === 0) {
this._active = [];
} else {
let areItemsStrings = typeof selectedItems[0] === 'string';
this._active = => {
let data = areItemsStrings
? item
: {id: item[this.idField], text: item[this.textField]};
return new SelectItem(data);
statement doesn't allow to assign simple object. The ng2-select
supports single and multiple selection, so I think it's better to check what is passed to active
and do appropriate actions. If simple object then just return it, if array then the current code.
My use case. I have a lot of selects on a page. There is a table and inside of cells user can create up to 2 selects. So, I use:
<ng-select *ngFor="let member of date.members; let i = index;"
placeholder="Select member">
And, I want to bind specific object to active.
This actually is documented as a feature for ng2-select and was super surprised to see it not work as it specified.
active (?Array
I can implement this functionality if the team is willing to take a PR for the issue. Otherwise, I can help clean up the documentation to properly reflect what the possible values are.
i have this array, but the default value setted by ngModel = 'RJ' throw this error below:
[ERROR] error_handler.js:54 EXCEPTION: Uncaught (in promise): Error: Error in ./UserProfileComponent class UserProfileComponent - inline template:123:21 caused by: is not a function
[HTML] <ng-select [allowClear]="true" [items]="ufs" [(ngModel)]="profile.address.state" name="state" placeholder="uf">
[attempts] I tried all of this options, and none of those worked!
- [active]="ufs[18]"
- [active]="ufs"
- [active]="'RJ'"
[My simple Array]
this code works for me
`<ng-select [allowClear]="allowClear" [items]="items" [active]="active" .....
public items: Array<string> = ['Amsterdam', 'Antwerp', 'Athens', 'Barcelona']; active:Array<string> = [this.items[3]];`
// prints Barcelona`
I still have the same issue, can anybody help please? <ng-select [multiple]="true" [items]="furniture" placeholder="No furnitre selected"> furniture: Array