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This is a wrapper for implementaion of Circuit Breaker pattern(made by hystrixjs) adapted for NestJS framework

Implementation assumptions and constraints

  • Every protected method must return a Promise as a result (so async functions and methods are fine and this is very convenient with NestJS)
  • We can protect only methods of instances that are within NestJS components (annotated with @Component). This constraint comes from NestJS itself, cause it gives enough control (and possibilities for augmentation) only over @Components.
  • Points above imply that if some of the functionality inside of a @Controller instance needs to be protected with a Circuit Breaker - this functionality must be extracted in to service (@Component instance).

Protecting services (@Component instances) with CircuitBreaker

  1. Augment service that needs protection.
  2. Annotate methods that need protection inside of the service with @CuircuitBreakerProtected annotation
  3. Provide an optional configuration for the @CuircuitBreakerProtected annotation
  4. Start watching over circuit breaker events (they will be logged)

Augment service that needs protection

Regular component creation

 modules: [CoreModule],
 controllers: [
 components: [
export class NewCandidatesModule {

Circuit Breaker protected component creation

 modules: [CoreModule],
 controllers: [
 components: [
     provide: CandidatesService,
     useFactory: (logger: Logger, config: Config, api: ApiHelperService) => {
       return addCircuitBreakerSupportTo(new CandidatesService(config, api), CandidatesService);
     inject: [
       Logger, Config, ApiHelperService
export class NewCandidatesModule {

Annotate methods that need protection

Annotated service method

export class CandidatesService {
 // ... 

 @CircuitBreakerProtected({fallbackTo: defaultFallback})
 async searchResumesNode(body: any) {
   return await request({
	// required request options

 // ...

@CircuitBreakerProtected annotation configuration

// All settings are optional and their default values provided below
 circuitBreakerSleepWindowInMilliseconds: 3000,
 circuitBreakerErrorThresholdPercentage: 50,
 circuitBreakerRequestVolumeThreshold: 10,
 timeout: 10000,
 statisticalWindowLength: 10000,
 statisticalWindowNumberOfBuckets: 10,
 percentileWindowLength: 10000,
 percentileWindowNumberOfBuckets: 10,
 requestVolumeRejectionThreshold: 0,
 fallbackTo: undefined,
 shouldErrorBeConsidered: undefined

Start watching over circuit breaker events

export class CoreModule {
 constructor(private logger: Logger,
             private config: Config,
             private sendgridService: SendgridService) {
   const startObservingCircuitBreakerState = makeCircuitBreakerStateObserver(this.sendgridService, logger, config);
   // Every 5 seconds (be default) Circuit Breaker will be polled and all opened ones (this is when back off is active)
   //get logged along with health stats

When Circuit Breaker is active (back off is active)

This is what gets printed to the console:

> "CandidatesService.searchResumesNode" circuit breaker is active.
> Health stats: {totalCount: 100, errorCount: 80, errorsPercentage: 80}