vue-confetti-explosion icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vue-confetti-explosion copied to clipboard

An explosion of confetti as a Vue 3 component.


This library is the Vue 3 port of svelte-confetti-explosion which in turn is ported from the @reonomy/react-confetti-explosion package.



# pnpm
pnpm add vue-confetti-explosion

# npm
npm install vue-confetti-explosion

# yarn
yarn add vue-confetti-explosion


Basic usage:

<script setup>
  import ConfettiExplosion from "vue-confetti-explosion";

  <ConfettiExplosion />

Customizing behavior with options:

<ConfettiExplosion :particleCount="200" :force="0.3" />


There's tons of options available for this package. All of them are already documented within the code itself, so you'll never have to leave the code editor.


Number of confetti particles to create.

type: number

Default value: 150


<ConfettiExplosion :particleCount="200" />


Size of the confetti particles in pixels

type: number

Default value: 12


<ConfettiExplosion :particleSize="20" />


Duration of the animation in milliseconds

type: number

Default value: 3500


<ConfettiExplosion :duration="5000" />


Colors to use for the confetti particles. Pass string array of colors. Can use hex colors, named colors, CSS Variables, literally anything valid in plain CSS.

type: Array<string>

Default value: ['#FFC700', '#FF0000', '#2E3191', '#41BBC7']


<ConfettiExplosion :colors=['var(--yellow)', 'var(--red)', '#2E3191', '#41BBC7']


Force of the confetti particles. Between 0 and 1. 0 is no force, 1 is maximum force. Will error out if you pass a value outside of this range.

type: number

Default value: 0.5


<ConfettiExplosion :force="0.3" />


Height of the stage in pixels. Confetti will only fall within this height.

type: number

Default value: 800


<ConfettiExplosion :stageHeight="500" />


Width of the stage in pixels. Confetti will only fall within this width.

type: number

Default value: 1600


<ConfettiExplosion :stageWidth="500" />


Whether or not destroy all confetti nodes after the duration period has passed. By default it destroys all nodes, to free up memory.

type: boolean

Default value: true


<ConfettiExplosion :shouldDestroyAfterDone="false" />

~~## Style Props~~

This is Svelte specific, still not implemented for this Vue 3 component

~~You can specify two style props on the component: --x and --y. These will shift the confetti particles on the x and y axis. by how much you specify, These can be in px, em, rem, vh, vw, literally any valid CSS unit.~~


<ConfettiExplosion --x="10px" --y="10px" />


<script setup>
  import { nextTick, ref } from "vue";
  import ConfettiExplosion from "vue-confetti-explosion";

  const visible = ref(false);

  const explode = async () => {
    visible.value = false;
    await nextTick();
    visible.value = true;

    <button @click="explode">Show confetti</button>
    <ConfettiExplosion v-if="visible" />

Potential gotchas

  • Your container must be overflow: visible in order to allow elements to fully spread across area.
  • If your floorHeight is too small, particles may visibly land on the floor instead of disappearing off-screen.


This library functions by creating 2 DOM nodes for every single confetti. By default, if the particlesCount is set to 150, it will create 300 nodes. This is a lot of nodes. For most devices, these many nodes are not a big issue, but I recommend checking your target devices' performance if you choose to go with a higher number, like 400 or 500.

Also, after the specified duration, all the confetti DOM nodes will be destroyed. This is to free up memory. If you wish to keep them around, set shouldDestroyAfterDone to false.


MIT License © Valgeir Björnsson