Valerio Mazzeo
Valerio Mazzeo
as per title, updating / installing from cocoapods still picks up 1.2.1
How would you map an inverse relationship using decodable? Think of the following scenario: A > B With `A` being in a `to-many` relationship with `B` and `B` being in...
When using builder.package the generated file is in this format: > but, standing to the jenkins testflight plugin documentation: > The path of the dSYM ZIP file(s) to upload...
Buttons are not centred correctly or the stainView isn't... It is highly noticeable when changing the font of the buttons to a smaller point size, then you can also notice...
I am not sure if it's a problem in `danger` or the plugin. When a file get moved from a directory to another one, I guess GitHub sent something like...
When parsing a config file that doesn't have any `excluded` directory, danger-swiftlint crashes. Adding the following to my config file fixes the issue. ``` excluded: - excluded_dir ``` Stacktrace: ```...
Very odd, tested `0.6.0` and it works fine. Although, `0.7.0` works with this configuration: ``` swiftlint.lint_files ``` It does fail with this: ``` swiftlint.config_file = '.swiftlint.yml' swiftlint.lint_files ``` The logs...
The public version available on cocoapods should be updated (currently 2.0.2). This involves pushing to cocoapods new versions of other dependencies, like Node and Bits, etc.
As described in I keep randomly getting this error, not sure what could be the cause: `MongoKitten.MongoError.invalidResponse([{\"ok\":0.0,\"codeName\":\"NotMasterNoSlaveOk\",\"errmsg\":\"not master and slaveOk=false\",\"code\":13435}])` Environment: - Mongodb 3.4.14 (Cloud Atlas) - MongoKitten 4.0.19...