Valerian Saliou
Valerian Saliou
Hello there! Do you mean that the current `libstrophe` `v0.16.x` has different APIs than those implemented in Vigil, therefore leading to failing compilation?
This would only apply to "active" (eg. `push` probes then), while passive `poll` probes will not be able to acquire any system information. I'm open to PRs if you're willing...
No, the metrics object needs to input data that's known in advance to Sonic, generic data is not planned to be supported as Vigil cannot act easily on that in...
Yes! That would be an additional load metric reported by a Vigil Reporter library to Vigil; as disk usage cannot be probed by Vigil itself right away.
Noted! Open to PR. Note that in the case it goes from DEAD to SICK in my use case I do not want to have a list of services provided,...
Hey @bduron, There's currently no way to do 1 and 2, as it's not implemented, so you didn't miss any configuration option. On the last point, the `replica_id` is shown...
What’s your stack? Do you run a reverse proxy to Vigil? Is Vigil exposed directly on the public Internet? Maybe an open port to the Internet? To me it looks...
Hi there! Thanks for the suggestion, that's indeed something I've thought about. In my use case, services report quickly to Vigil, so full recovery from a Vigil failure would only...
Not using gRPC on my end, I'd be interested in a PR on this. Thanks!
`rocket` has been moved over to `actix` in `master`, could you please try this out and let me know if that fixed this issue?