POCO copied to clipboard
generate error
I use pre-trained models for generate synthetic_room with the command:
python generate.py --config results/SyntheticRooms_None_FKAConv_InterpAttentionKHeadsNet_None/config.yaml --gen_resolution_global 256 --num_mesh 1
get error:
INFO:root:Creating the network
INFO:root:InterpNet - Simple - K=64
INFO:root:Network -- backbone -- 12783956 parameters
INFO:root:Network -- projection -- 6498 parameters
INFO:root:Network -- Number of parameters 12790454
INFO:root:Getting the dataset
INFO:root:Adding random noise
INFO:root:dataset len 1
INFO:root:InterpNet - Simple - K=64
INFO:root:Network -- backbone -- 12783956 parameters
INFO:root:Network -- projection -- 6498 parameters
<class 'lightconvpoint.datasets.dataset.LCPDataset'>
0%| | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "generate.py", line 593, in
How should I solve this problem,thanks for your help