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It takes one hour to generate the mesh from 16k point clouds in ScanNet dataset
Dear author,
Thanks for sharing your interesting work!
I use the provided script to generate the mesh from the ScanNet dataset, and I found that it takes a long time (e.g, nearly 1 hour from 16K point clouds input). I am wondering if it is a normal situation. BTW, I just use the following script to generate mesh;
python generate.py --config results/ShapeNet_Normals_FKAConv_InterpAttentionKHeadsNet_None/config.yaml --gen_autoscale True --gen_autoscale_target 0.01 --gen_resolution_metric 0.01 --dataset_name SceneNet20 --dataset_root data/SceneNet20 --manifold_points -1
Looking forward to your reply. Many thanks in advance.
Best, Runsong