vscode-ltex icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vscode-ltex copied to clipboard

environment semiverbatim is formated no matter is set to be ignored or not

Open quancs opened this issue 2 years ago • 0 comments

Describe the bug

environment semiverbatim is formated no matter is set to be ignored or not

Steps to reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to "VSCode" and open the sample latex
  2. Set Ltex.Latex.Environments "semiverbatim"="ignore"
  3. Click on "Format"
  4. Check if the "semiverbatim" is formated or not

Expected behavior The text inside the "semiverbatim" should not be formated as is configured.

Sample document


\title{There Is No Largest Prime Number}

\author[Euclid]{Euclid of Alexandria \\ \texttt{[email protected]}}

\date[ISPN ’80]{27th International Symposium of Prime Numbers}



    \frametitle{An Algorithm For Finding Primes Numbers.}
\uncover<1->{\alert<0>{int main (void)}}
\uncover<1->{\alert<1>{    \alert<4>{std::}vector<bool> is_prime (100, true);}}
\uncover<1->{\alert<1>{    for (int i = 2; i < 100; i++)}}
\uncover<2->{\alert<2>{        if (is_prime[i])}}
\uncover<2->{\alert<0>{        \{}}
\uncover<3->{\alert<3>{            \alert<4>{std::}cout << i << " ";}}
\uncover<3->{\alert<3>{            for (int j = i; j < 100;}}
\uncover<3->{\alert<3>{               is_prime [j] = false, j+=i);}}
\uncover<2->{\alert<0>{        \}}}
\uncover<1->{\alert<0>{     return 0;}}
    \visible<4->{Note the use of \alert{\texttt{std::}}.}


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"LTeX Language Server" log file First, reproduce the bug. Then, go to ViewOutput and select LTeX Language Server in the drop-down list. Paste this log here:

4�� 10, 2022 4:56:36 ���� org.bsplines.ltexls.server.DocumentChecker logTextToBeChecked
��ϸ: Checking the following text in language 'en-US' via LanguageTool: " <presentation>\n\nThere Is No Largest Prime Number\n\n[Euclid]Euclid of Alexandria [email protected]"... (truncated to 100 characters)
4�� 10, 2022 4:56:36 ���� org.bsplines.ltexls.server.DocumentChecker checkAnnotatedTextFragment
��ϸ: Obtained 13 rule matches

"LTeX Language Client" log file First, set the ltex.trace.server setting in your settings.json to "verbose". Then, reload the VS Code window and reproduce the bug. Go to ViewOutput and select LTeX Language Client in the drop-down list. Paste this log here (note: it will contain your checked document):

[Trace - 16:59:25] Sending notification 'textDocument/didChange'.
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            "text": "\\documentclass{beamer}\r\n\\mode<presentation>\r\n\r\n\r\n\\title{There Is No Largest Prime Number}\r\n\r\n\\author[Euclid]{Euclid of Alexandria \\\\ \\texttt{[email protected]}}\r\n\r\n\\date[ISPN ’80]{27th International Symposium of Prime Numbers}\r\n\r\n\\begin{document}\r\n\r\n\\begin{frame}\r\n    \\titlepage\r\n\\end{frame}\r\n\r\n\\begin{frame}\r\n    \\frametitle{Outline}\r\n    \\tableofcontents\r\n\\end{frame}\r\n\r\n% \\begin{frame}\r\n%     \\frametitle{Outline}\r\n%     \\tableofcontents[pausesections]\r\n% \\end{frame}\r\n\r\n\\section{Motivation}\r\n\\subsection{The Basic Problem That We Studied}\r\n\r\n\\begin{frame}\r\n    \\frametitle{What Are Prime Numbers?}\r\n    \\begin{definition}\r\n        A \\alert{prime number} is a number that has exactly two divisors.\r\n    \\end{definition}\r\n\\end{frame}\r\n\r\n\\begin{frame}\r\n    \\frametitle{What Are Prime Numbers?}\r\n    \\begin{definition}\r\n        A \\alert{prime number} is a number that has exactly two divisors.\r\n    \\end{definition}\r\n    \\pause\r\n    \\begin{example}\r\n        \\begin{itemize}\r\n            \\item 2 is prime (two divisors: 1 and 2).\r\n                  \\pause\r\n            \\item 3 is prime (two divisors: 1 and 3).\r\n                  \\pause\r\n            \\item 4 is not prime (\\alert{three} divisors: 1, 2, and 4).\r\n        \\end{itemize}\r\n    \\end{example}\r\n\\end{frame}\r\n\r\n\\begin{frame}%[t]\r\n    \\frametitle{There Is No Largest Prime Number}\r\n    \\framesubtitle{The proof uses \\textit{reductio ad absurdum}.}\r\n    \\begin{theorem}\r\n        There is no largest prime number.\r\n    \\end{theorem}\r\n    \\begin{proof}\r\n        \\begin{enumerate}\r\n            \\item<1-> Suppose $p$ were the largest prime number.\r\n            \\item<2-> Let $q$ be the product of the first $p$ numbers.\r\n            \\item<3-> Then $q + 1$ is not divisible by any of them.\r\n            \\item<1-> But $q + 1$ is greater than $1$, thus divisible by some prime\r\n                number not in the first $p$ numbers.\\qedhere %The symbol printed at the end of a proof is called the “QED symbol”\r\n        \\end{enumerate}\r\n    \\end{proof}\r\n    \\uncover<4->{The proof used \\textit{reductio ad absurdum}.} % 会占用位置\r\n    \\\\\r\n    \\only<4->{The proof used \\textit{reductio ad absurdum}.} % 重新计算各个部分的位置\r\n\r\n\\end{frame}\r\n\r\n\\newtheorem{answeredquestions}[theorem]{Answered Questions}\r\n\\newtheorem{openquestions}[theorem]{Open Questions}\r\n\r\n\r\n\\begin{frame}\r\n    \\frametitle{What’s Still To Do?}\r\n    \\begin{block}{Answered Questions}\r\n        How many primes are there?\r\n    \\end{block}\r\n    \\begin{block}{Open Questions}\r\n        Is every even number the sum of two primes?\r\n        \\cite{Goldbach1742}\r\n    \\end{block}\r\n\\end{frame}\r\n\r\n\\begin{frame}\r\n    \\frametitle{What’s Still To Do?}\r\n    \\begin{itemize}\r\n        \\item Answered Questions\r\n              \\begin{itemize}\r\n                  \\item How many primes are there?\r\n              \\end{itemize}\r\n        \\item Open Questions\r\n              \\begin{itemize}\r\n                  \\item Is every even number the sum of two primes?\r\n              \\end{itemize}\r\n    \\end{itemize}\r\n\\end{frame}\r\n\r\n\\begin{frame}\r\n    \\frametitle{What’s Still To Do?}\r\n    \\begin{columns}[t]\r\n        \\column{.5\\textwidth}\r\n        \\begin{block}{Answered Questions}\r\n            How many primes are there?\r\n        \\end{block}\r\n        \\column{.5\\textwidth}\r\n        \\begin{block}{Open Questions}\r\n            Is every even number the sum of two primes?\r\n        \\end{block}\r\n    \\end{columns}\r\n\\end{frame}\r\n\r\n\r\n\\begin{frame}[fragile]\r\n    \\frametitle{An Algorithm For Finding Prime Numbers.}\r\n    \\begin{verbatim}\r\n    int main (void)\r\n    {\r\n        std::vector<bool> is_prime (100, true);\r\n        for (int i = 2; i < 100; i++)\r\n            if (is_prime[i])\r\n            {\r\n                std::cout << i << \" \";\r\n                for (int j = i; j < 100; is_prime [j] = false, j+=i);\r\n            }\r\n        return 0;\r\n    }\r\n    \\end{verbatim}\r\n    \\begin{uncoverenv}<2>\r\n        Note the use of \\verb|std::|.\r\n    \\end{uncoverenv}\r\n\\end{frame}\r\n\r\n\r\n\\begin{frame}[fragile]\r\n    \\frametitle{An Algorithm For Finding Primes Numbers.}\r\n    \\begin{semiverbatim}\r\n        \\uncover<1->{\\alert<0>{int main (void)}}\r\n        \\uncover<1->{\\alert<0>{\\{}}\r\n        \\uncover<1->{\\alert<1>{    \\alert<4>{std::}vector<bool> is_prime (100, true);}}\r\n        \\uncover<1->{\\alert<1>{    for (int i = 2; i < 100; i++)}}\r\n        \\uncover<2->{\\alert<2>{        if (is_prime[i])}}\r\n        \\uncover<2->{\\alert<0>{        \\{}}\r\n        \\uncover<3->{\\alert<3>{            \\alert<4>{std::}cout << i << \" \";}}\r\n        \\uncover<3->{\\alert<3>{            for (int j = i; j < 100;}}\r\n        \\uncover<3->{\\alert<3>{               is_prime [j] = false, j+=i);}}\r\n        \\uncover<2->{\\alert<0>{        \\}}}\r\n        \\uncover<1->{\\alert<0>{     return 0;}}\r\n        \\uncover<1->{\\alert<0>{\\}}}\r\n    \\end{semiverbatim}\r\n    \\visible<4->{Note the use of \\alert{\\texttt{std::}}.}\r\n\\end{frame}\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\\begin{thebibliography}{10}\r\n    \\bibitem{Goldbach1742}[Goldbach, 1742]\r\n    Christian Goldbach.\r\n    \\newblock A problem we should try to solve before the ISPN ’43 deadline,\r\n    \\newblock \\emph{Letter to Leonhard Euler}, 1742.\r\n\\end{thebibliography}\r\n\r\n\r\n\\end{document}\r\n"

[Trace - 16:59:25] Received request 'window/workDoneProgress/create - (10)'.
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[Trace - 16:59:25] Sending response 'window/workDoneProgress/create - (10)'. Processing request took 0ms
No result returned.

[Trace - 16:59:25] Received notification '$/progress'.
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Version information List here the version information of the relevant software.

  • Operating system: Linux (which distribution/version), macOS xx.xx, or Windows xx
  • VS Code: 1.66.1
  • vscode-ltex: 13.1.0
  • ltex-ls: x.xx (only if not using ltex-ls automatically downloaded by LTeX)
  • Java: x.xx (usually obtained with java -version, only if not using Java automatically downloaded by LTeX)

Additional context/information

quancs avatar Apr 10 '22 09:04 quancs