Single-Image-SVBRDF-Capture-rendering-loss copied to clipboard
Single-Image SVBRDF Capture with a Rendering-Aware Deep Network
Hi, Thanks for you nice work! I have read your code, but I have several questions during reading. 1. Why should the input images be seperated into nbtargets+1 parts based...
Hi, thanks for your excellent work and the results are fascinating. I have a question though: The diffuse term is calculated as: diffuse * (1.0 - specular) / math.pi. So...
Hi Velentin, I ran your pretrained model with the file '' with the command ( python3 --input_dir inputExamples/ --mode eval --output_dir examples_outputs --checkpoint . --imageFormat png --scale_size 256 --batch_size...
Hi, We are a student group looking into the paper and we are trying to make the code work and retrain the network on Google Colab (maybe with smaller dataset)....