Sahil Siddiq
Sahil Siddiq
> If you add your file to src/CMakeLists.txt you can use CMake to build your code and see the warnings. (You can also maybe set up your editor so you...
Hi. I would like to work on this issue. I think I have got an idea on how to resolve this.
> Quite often compilers add a special section `.ARM.attributes` that has that information (note the `Tag_CPU_arch_profile` and `Tag_CPU_arch` attributes) Hi. Just to be clear, is our intention to simply recognize...
I see. In that case, I'll just focus on these two classes.
Hi. The functions `get_cpu_mips` or `get_cpu_arm` in `librz/bin/format/elf/elf_info.c` simply print the cpu name. How do I get rizin to actually make sense of it before disassembly? In `librz/arch/p/asm_arm_cs:disassemble()`, it checks...
Thank you for your response. I'll take a look at `cbin.c`.
> Yes, this direction is correct. Once you finish it, please also add a test. Sure, I'll do that.
> @valdaarhun do you have any progress on this? Hi. Yes, I have made some progress. There's not much left. > It would be nice to include it into the...
TODO: - [ ] Parse tags correctly in `read_arm_build_attributes()`. Some tags such as `TAG_COMPATIBILITY` have a few quirks but handling them should not be too hard. - [ ] Testing
> @valdaarhun hi, have you had any progress on this PR? Hi. Sorry, I wasn't able to give much time to this last week. I do have some more commits...