laravel-echo-ios copied to clipboard
A wrapper for Laravel Echo in Swift
Laravel Echo IOS
This is a project by Bubbleflat : find your perfect roommate and flatsharing
This project is wrapper to use Laravel Echo in Swift IOS project
This only work for, NOT FOR PUSHER yet !
This module can be imported with CocoaPods
pod 'LaravelEchoIOS'
First, you need to import the framework :
import LaravelEchoIOS
Then you can use it like in javascript ( but you need to wait for the socket to be connected )
let token = "Auth token"
let e : Echo = Echo(options: ["host":"http://localhost:6001", "auth": ["headers": ["Authorization": "Bearer " + token]]])
e.connected(){ data, ack in
e.join(channel: "conversation.243").listen(event: ".NewMessage", callback: { data, ack in
See full Echo documentation for all available methods
All callback must been use like this :
e.connected(){ data, ack in
// Do something when call
Or with a function like this
func listener(data: [Any], ack: SocketAckEmitter)
here, joining, leaving are not available yet