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random-word copied to clipboard

This is a simple python package to generate random english words


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This is a simple python package to generate random english words. If you need help after reading the below, please find me at @vaibhavsingh97 on Twitter.

If you love the package, please :star2: the repo.


You should be able to install using easy_install or pip in the usual ways:

$ easy_install random-word
$ pip install random-word

Or just clone this repository and run:

$ python3 setup.py install

Or place the random-word folder that you downloaded somewhere where it can be accessed by your scripts.

Basic Usage

# ⚠️ This will be soon deprecated in future versions of this package
from random_word import RandomWords
r = RandomWords()

# Return a single random word
# Return list of Random words
# Return Word of the day

User can specify their own api key

r = RandomWords(api_key="<your api key>") 

In a future version, we will have different services similar to Wordnik that will provide random words.

from random_word import Wordnik
wordnik_service = Wordnik()

# Return a single random word
# Return list of Random words
# Return Word of the day

Advance Usage

  1. To generate single random word we can use these optional parameters

    • hasDictionaryDef (string) - Only return words with dictionary definitions (optional)
    • includePartOfSpeech (string) - CSV part-of-speech values to include (optional)
    • excludePartOfSpeech (string) - CSV part-of-speech values to exclude (optional)
    • minCorpusCount (integer) - Minimum corpus frequency for terms (optional)
    • maxCorpusCount (integer) - Maximum corpus frequency for terms (optional)
    • minDictionaryCount (integer) - Minimum dictionary count (optional)
    • maxDictionaryCount (integer) - Maximum dictionary count (optional)
    • minLength (integer) - Minimum word length (optional)
    • maxLength (integer) - Maximum word length (optional)
    r.get_random_word(hasDictionaryDef="true", includePartOfSpeech="noun,verb", minCorpusCount=1, maxCorpusCount=10, minDictionaryCount=1, maxDictionaryCount=10, minLength=5, maxLength=10)
    # Output: pediophobia
  2. To generate list of random word we can use these optional parameters

    • hasDictionaryDef (string) - Only return words with dictionary definitions (optional)
    • includePartOfSpeech (string) - CSV part-of-speech values to include (optional)
    • excludePartOfSpeech (string) - CSV part-of-speech values to exclude (optional)
    • minCorpusCount (integer) - Minimum corpus frequency for terms (optional)
    • maxCorpusCount (integer) - Maximum corpus frequency for terms (optional)
    • minDictionaryCount (integer) - Minimum dictionary count (optional)
    • maxDictionaryCount (integer) - Maximum dictionary count (optional)
    • minLength (integer) - Minimum word length (optional)
    • maxLength (integer) - Maximum word length (optional)
    • sortBy (string) - Attribute to sort by alpha or count (optional)
    • sortOrder (string) - Sort direction by asc or desc (optional)
    • limit (integer) - Maximum number of results to return (optional)
    r.get_random_words(hasDictionaryDef="true", includePartOfSpeech="noun,verb", minCorpusCount=1, maxCorpusCount=10, minDictionaryCount=1, maxDictionaryCount=10, minLength=5, maxLength=10, sortBy="alpha", sortOrder="asc", limit=15)
    # Output: ['ambivert', 'calcspar', 'deaness', 'entrete', 'gades', 'monkeydom', 'outclimbed', 'outdared', 'pistoleers', 'redbugs', 'snake-line', 'subrules', 'subtrends', 'torenia', 'unhides']
  3. To get word of the day we can use these optional parameters

    • date (string) - Fetches by date in yyyy-MM-dd (optional)
    # Output: {"word": "qualtagh", "definations": [{"text": "The first person one encounters, either after leaving one\'s home or (sometimes) outside one\'s home, especially on New Year\'s Day.", "source": "wiktionary", "partOfSpeech": "noun"}, {"text": "A Christmas or New Year\'s ceremony, in the Isle of Man; one who takes part in the ceremony. See the first extract.", "source": "century", "partOfSpeech": "noun"}]}


Assuming that you have Python and pipenv installed, set up your environment and install the required dependencies like this instead of the pip install random-word defined above:

$ git clone https://github.com/vaibhavsingh97/random-word.git
$ cd random-word
$ make init

Add API Key in random_word directory defining API Key in config.yml. If you don't have an API key than request your API key here


To check your desired changes you can install your package locally

$ pip install -e .


You can report the bugs at the issue tracker


Built with ♥ by Vaibhav Singh(@vaibhavsingh97) under MIT License

You can find a copy of the License at https://vaibhavsingh97.mit-license.org/