Vaibhav Dalvi
Vaibhav Dalvi
Can you try exporting below path in mongo_fdw directory before running make : export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=mongo-c-driver/src/:mongo-c-driver/src/libbson/src
Hi @jessicachen888, Are you still facing this issue? Can you please re-verify? If it's been resolved, could you please close this ticket?
Hi @werebear73 , Hope you're doing well. Could you please check if you're still facing this issue? If not, please close this issue.
Thanks @ztiagoxbr for reporting an issue. Can you provide operating system and mongo_fdw version details? which will help us to investigate this issue further.
Thanks for the information. Have you did mongo_fdw installation through recently released RPM or downloaded source from HEAD and compiled the source by your own? If you did source compilation...
Thanks. I think you are using old version of driver which don't have "mongoc_collection_find_with_opts" defined in it. I mean you are using old shared library available in /usr/local/lib. What is...
Thanks for more information. Looks like you have installed mongoc-driver separately. Please note that you don't need to install mongoc driver separately. The script " --with-master" do take care of...
Looks like cmake3 is not installed on your machine. Please install it to make this work.
Hi @ztiagoxbr , Could you please check if you're still facing reported issue?
Hi @AdamPzpn , Providing custom _id for a document not supported. Currently, mongo_fdw ignores the value of the first column which is the row identifier in MongoDb (_id) and lets...