huez.nvim icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
huez.nvim copied to clipboard

All things color related. All Lua.


Huez v1.0.0 is currently being written, as you can see this will be a breaking change. I'm redesigning the plugin's current implementation as I see fit and planning new features.

I will focus on maintainability, stability, and UI/UX in that order. When v1.0.0 is ready to be officially released and you would like to stay on v0.2.2, You can pin the 0.2.2 tag in your preferred Plugin manager

You can check out development in the "nui" branch

🎨 huez.nvim (hue ez, hues)

Color picker using Telescope as a backend.

⭐️ Features

  • 🔭 Optionally uses Telescope or you can also use vim.ui!
  • 🌄 Preview colorschemes. if telescope is installed
  • 💾 Persistent colorscheme selection through Neovim session.

In this demo I'm using telescope.

💥 Installation

Install with your preferred package manager

-- Lazy
    dependencies = {
        -- You probably already have this installed, highly reccomended you do.
        -- If using vim.ui, this plugin will give you a better experience

NOTE: Preview does not currently work in vim.ui. Will be testing solutions in the future.

🛠 Setup

NOTE: Without the colorscheme command, the plugin WILL use fallback theme.

If you're ok with defaults, this is all you need.

local colorscheme = require("huez.api").get_colorscheme()
vim.cmd("colorscheme " .. colorscheme)

vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>co", "<cmd>Huez<CR>", {})

However if you'd like to tweak stuff, call setup with your tweaks.

require("huez").setup({<config here>})
local colorscheme = require("huez.api").get_colorscheme()
vim.cmd("colorscheme " .. colorscheme)

vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>co", "<cmd>Huez<CR>", {})

⚙️ Configuration

Huez comes with the following defaults.

  -- the filepath where your theme will be saved
  file_path = vim.fs.normalize(vim.fn.stdpath("config")) .. "/.nvim.huez.lua",
  -- the fallback theme in case Huez fails or bugs out for some reason
  fallback = "default",
  -- a list of ugly themes that come with neovim that you probably don't want to choose from in the picker
  omit = {
  -- optional: by default, uses telescope. If telescope is not installed, will fall back to "vim.ui"
  -- you can also choose "vim"
  picker = "telescope",
  -- optional: only applies if using telescope, picker_opts controls the dropdown style
  -- If nil, default is require("telescope.themes").get_dropdown({}).
  picker_opts = nil,


How is the selected colorscheme saved and be able to persist through nvim sessions?

At setup time, a function is called to check if the file ".nvim.huez.lua" exists in your vim.fn.stdpath("config") directory. If it exists, nothing happens. If it does not exist, it will be created with the default fallback as it's colorscheme.

This file will only contain 1 line worth of content, being the colorscheme name (I.E gruvbox <EOF>). Setup is shown above.

To see config directory run the following command in neovim.

:lua print(vim.inspect(vim.fn.stdpath("config")))

Can I change the directory where the colorscheme file is created?

Yes. But I reccommend leaving the file_path and the dotfile's name as their default values, but if you end up changing it and find a bug, please file an issue!

❤️ Acknowledgements

Plugin and it's code is highly inspired from the following.

  • colorscheme-persist on how to persist colorscheme.
  • NvChad for previewing theme before selection.
  • cd-project for being used as a great model for a refactor (as of 0.2.0)
  • Reddit for the help on how to make a plugin as this is my first :)

📋 Contributing

Issues and PR's are always welcome and highly encouraged! as this is my first plugin. I would love to learn more.
